Leaving for Marines

yes it realy did come out of the blue and slaped me in the face but........... youhave my support 100% and you know it.......... thats all i have to say you know the rest
it'll pay for my school, it'll be a good experience, make me a better person, get me in shape, i'll get to travel (JAPAN!) 4 yrs
This is a great learning experience for you.

Hopefully they won't totally break you in boot camp hah.

Best of luck :)
natariix said:
This is a great learning experience for you.

Hopefully they won't totally break you in boot camp hah.

Best of luck :)

oh yes they will , i know they'll have fun with someone like you,good luck january is a good time of the year i wouldn't recommend the summer

have fun......haha
Have fun in the sand box..oh wait I might be going to. :eek:

Yea I have been lookin in to the reserves. Prob join after the first of the year.
my pink car will just sit around until i'm able to come home and work on it
it'll give me more confidence & leadership skills
that'll make me a better person?

thanks nathalie&jose

hey i just relized theyz gonna shave ya head !><!
i may hate you, but good luck. seriously, my ex husband was a marine, he went through a lot of hell with that branch of service. they have more rape cases on female military then any other branch. so please please please be careful. seriously be fucking careful.
Oh man you can only hope you are stationed in japan and not sent to the sand box..... I know many who's dreams have been taken away cuz of that but..... well I will personaly get to see what this douse to you as a person.... and well you know the rest I don't have to say much....

And listen to rea becouse its unfortunet but true.... and rea I'm actualy amazed you said something....
eh. no matter if i like her or not, no women needs to be raped or treated like shit. i watche dit happen first hand to a lot of females who were devil dogs with ray. and a lot of military wives were being raped right on base. on fucking base where they are supposed to be "Safe". my ass. the last two weeks of bootcamp (its called the crucible) is the real deal thats when they make you want to go hang yourself in the barracks. just keep your head straight, and don't let them psych you out. my mission was to be a drill instructor, they are evil, they get paid to destroy peoples moral and makes them want to kill themselves... that was always the perfect job for me, but when you look like a tattooed freak and even with camo sleeves down, you can still see my ink and thats a no no. i say do your five years, pick up sergent, then train for sniper or for DI. two best parts of the marine corp.
^^^ strongly agreed on that point especily knowing that one of my friends from new hampsher took him self out on that last week of bootcamp.... and no woman is safe on a military base full of scum bags suposed ex-criminals and degenarits... there are a few good peaple but every one has an alterior motive..... be careful you know that now remember it enbed it into your skull and never forget watch where you step and always watch your back..... gggrrrrr I wish you whernt going but I support your choice and that's that I can't coment again on this I won't stop..... aaahhhh the military fuck..... well,,,, yea fuck

And rea you would have made a dam fine drill instructor lololol I can imagen it now lol devil dogs hanging from the shower or the bunk or dropeing out after a girl destroyes there self being completly and thy feel useless for ever..... well fuck I would love that job.... oh man
well, i hear that i am such an amazing evil cunt and so goo dat ruining lives.... i really would have loved it. plus i would get to wear camo everyday and boots... fuck yeah... super dyke reporting for DI duty. lol. damn marines.
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