June 16 Meet @ Muvico Paradise Theater??

S13 Slide said:
I hated the fact that they used a stupid EVO WTF? If I recall evo's arnt soposed to be used in D1 becuase of the FWD biased layout? reason why they also dont use GTO (3000GTs). **** MITSUBISHI. another thing that pissed me off is the RB26 in a ****ING mustang.....other then that I liked how they showed jap food, school, uniforms and stuff....it acctually showed sometype of culture.

P.S. are the yakuza even around anymore?

First of all YAKUZA have been around since the end of WW2, They have Contact in the japanese government and some of their crimes are even funded by the government itself.
The RB mustang didnt bother me the RBpowered s15 did bother me. Bow wow says at the beginning of the movie this is a the monalisa of the drift world, with forged pistons, port & polish head, and then this redneck guy goes and clutch kicks it, a car with like 1000hp and he is clutch kicking it, Am i the only person who noticed that.
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