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honestly dude, stop being a bitch and just give him the god damn afc back. it takes 30 seconds to take it out of the car so thats no fucking excuse. and honestly i know how much jeremy has done for you, the least you could do is man up and show some respect for someone that helped you out, apologize, and make the situation right
neither of u are gonna get anything out of fighting, im sure jimmy has time to take out the safc tomorrow. just meeet with him tomorow and have him take it out. both of u have been friends for how long? and u guys r gonna ruin it over a safc that u got for free. i just dont think its worth fighting over.
Wow, I don't know either of you but Jimmy seems like a shifty fuck. A mature person would say "I don't have the money but i'll give it to you in small installments if needed". From what I see Jimmy just stared ducking this dude for no reason.

Jimmy stop being a deadbeat and pay the man. There is no need to get angry at him for posting this stuff on here. He deserves to be paid if you agreed to it...
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I'm not angry? I like the pics. I'm just saying. And I told him I don't have the cash. If I did I'd pay him.

And for those of you who don't know me keep your fucking mouth closed and opinions to your damn self.

K thanks bye!!! 
I'm not angry? I like the pics. I'm just saying. And I told him I don't have the cash. If I did I'd pay him.

And for those of you who don't know me keep your fucking mouth closed and opinions to your damn self.

K thanks bye!!! 

You really expect people not to talk shit? Lol...
Your right. I forgot this is sfl!!

last month i loaned him my wheels, it was supposed to be for only a week untill his wheels came in that he orderd. pretty much to sum up what i was gonna say i just got em back today after bugging him since i loaned them too him.

i wont deal with him again.

That's funny cause you were all buddy buddy today!!

I he was supposed to do my brother a favor and sell some shit online for him and he hasn't done anything yet an when my brother calls he either dodges his calls or hangs up on him. Jimmy u really need to talk with my brother cuz he's getting pissed off and wants his shit back.

Take some responsability for for shit u do. Don't buy anything without money or thinking u can just not pay up. That's fucked up

You just don't know the whole story!! I've talked to your brother 1000 times

Also I love this thread for popularity reasons!! Makes me feel good
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Your right. I forgot this is sfl!!

That's funny cause you were all buddy buddy today!!
You just don't know the whole story!! I've talked to your brother 1000 times

Also I love this thread for popularity reasons!! Makes me feel good

i wasnt trin to be a dick just telling the truth, and no i wont ever let u borrow something again cuz u take forever to give it back. that doesnt mean i hate u
well i do know you, and i know you like to dick people around. but at what age will you finally decide to grow up and be a man? the kid shit has to stop and you have to learn some responsibility man
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