JDM UP's "This is a battle ground" - May 15

What's the rulebook, i know basic stuff, tie down, leaks etc. but cage req? legal helmet? suit etc?

certified helmet, no suit required, cage required for tandems only.

Shit will be fun.

Only problem is that there is going to be a shit load of ppl, at least more than the april 17 event and the wait to drive will be long unless they think of something.
DRIFTERS Announcment!

40 CAR CAP First come first serve.

9-11a.m Tech Be there early.

11:30a.m Practice kickoff. (BE THERE EARLY)
^yea, there should def be a pre registration deal.. first come first serve doesnt sound too promising..
Things I will need to make this event:

- S13 shell
- Radiator
- Ramen meals
- Non stop trance out music
-Cases of redbull and beer for the sleepless nights putting my car together (from shell up)

But I'll be there damn it!!!
OK OK here we go.

(Pre reg)

Please email us at this email- eventculture@hotmail.com

Then we will email you back with our paypal info and registration number so that you may register for the drift comp.
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