JDM UP's "This is a battle ground" - May 15

car don't run. yep.

Is there a tire machine?

At the event I mean.

And changing tires for the drift racers competing at the drift conference?

Show off finals.

I'm tired. My car doesn't run.

I have another car though.

I don't really fit in it with a helmet on though.

On my head I meant.

It has an ls1 though.

and a bad ass white mirror.


I need to go home.

Suck it easy bros.

Oh wow, it merged all my postz.
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Bill kiiiiiiilled it. Congrats man

PS -

JDM UPS/JDMTechmotors afterparty at my house. Pm me or McNasty if you wanna come chill, BYOB!....also bring chicks.

...no sketchyness
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Worst ever will never attend another one they kicked me out cuz I went to wide and the spectators were pass the line fuck that bullshit
Jimmy and sal did ok the track layout was complete shit I'll never ever go again we are on our way back now
Bill kiiiiiiilled it. Congrats man

PS -

JDM UPS/JDMTechmotors afterparty at my house. Pm me or McNasty if you wanna come chill, BYOB!....also bring chicks.

...no sketchyness

Yesssssss bring sluts!

If anyone can find and bring that girl with the tattoos and black hair from the event, I will love you forever
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I would have stayed up there but iam tired as fuck and need a shower lol thanks for letting us stay at ur place Adam
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