no ur fucking crazy erick....plus....markham has a nice set of stairs...and....its calm...and cheap.....and close
I think it should be done however RED wants it, because she's the one who sets it up every year. And it's always been a sucess.

Damnn......but I was thinking.....and it'll be cool to have it at Morosso.......but w/e, it'll be good anywhere. As long as there's food. :)
rwdrift said:
There's seven days. One-two days is short notice, not 1 week.

if there are over 200 ppl going and others who heard of it word of mouth, a week is a short amount of time for the person notifying everyone of the change.

but thats just my .02
Erik, that's a pretty good idea.
In my opinion, a week is a good amount of time to notify everyone, and word of mouth travels faster than most people think, so this might work out.
It's definitely something to really consider Red.
absolutely not.. last time i changed the bbq to tamiami park with TWO weeks notice and i lost half the ppl showing up.. complaining to me they went to markham..
so its out of the question.. there will be confusion cause the flyers already say markham..
and btw this might be the last bbq cause its way too much to put together man. its a headache and a half ;x

thanks fo the suggestion anyway
Good luck with the BBQ Red, unfortunately I won't make it, I'm going to Moroso. Sorry hun, we'll meet sometime though!
is the event at moroso like a drift event? cause the only ppl ive had cancelling are from this forum?

i know its the last big event before they close it to redue the track.
jdm nismo chik said:
is the event at moroso like a drift event? cause the only ppl ive had cancelling are from this forum?

i know its the last big event before they close it to redue the track.

True I know alot of people that are going to the BBQ. They will have some drifting, drag racing, etc. I think I'll be going to the BBQ b/c I don't know if shops race car will be ready for that Moroso.
werd....theres still like 99999 other forums that go to these meets....u people are SElFISH
m4nfred said:
werd....theres still like 99999 other forums that go to these meets....u people are SElFISH

lol you're excuses are sad Manny. How is it selfish if the whole Moroso event has drift, drag, car/bike show? Who could we possibly be leaving out?

If you guys dont want to go through the hassle to have the changes done and announced properly, then that's much more understandable.

But Manny just doesnt want to drive to Moroso to park at the Shell gas station again and walk for another two miles.
Im There Like Swim Wear On A Bear Dancing On A Chair With Blue Hair While Eating A Pear In Batmans Lair
lmao.......i just hate driving my slow ass car that far with no comfort at all and no brakes and no tires......kinda dangerous honestly
Damn It Bobby

Wat In The Hell
Is Red Gonna Back Down
Will Red Stand Up And Make The Rite Decision
All These Questions And More
Who Will Make The Final Decision

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