Its Official Post Pics of Yourself pt.II

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hahah yeah i work at autozone now they give me like a 10% discount on everything i buy there and i get to sit there and look up every part i can think of for my car

plus its really hard to find apprenticships here, i really lucked out with that job i had in Big pine

maybe i'll do that but i dont know how many kids will come trick or treating to my house, if i had kids i wouldnt let them go out here at night
Nice meetin ya at the Ter-Tech event...thanks for lettin me borrow the helmet! Nice seein everybody else too! Sorry Uras...don't worry man will
get ya soon.

Me and my "old" FD


My gf

Me and gf
awww man ali i miss that fking FD, you should have sold it too me...i would have done a payment plan...lmao! wtf I have not seen one FD up here yet!
Me the 5'3 midget 21 year old, richard, Diff buddy, and Juanly lol.


Good time i miss them so much... :(
If you look closly you can see the koni's on the S13 on the lift....damn i love koni's..
old pic. me and Alex. Yes. I WILL QUIT SMOKING. so shut up.

I'm gonna miss this thing.
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Here is me just after beating of to goat-porn (don't bash it till you try it):

And that's my torso and crotch...a pic I never new existed until this thread:
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