Its Official Post Pics of Yourself pt.II

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Me and a good friend of mine!:D :D :p

JDM_Of_Miami said:

Nat if you think I insulted you please let me know!!!!
i think u should make it up wit a free blacktop sr :D
MiamiGrinch240 said:

haha, i have that exact same hurley shirt!

some of me...


with my boys


few years back with the whole crew


wayyyy back in the day with my cousins...the O.G's, lol. I'm the one holding the gun the wrong way, lol :laugh:


me and the g/f
JDM_Of_Miami said:
Please don't take this the wrong way.. But did you notice the pimple on your forehead?????
yea I get them quite often =/

I wasn't offended at all, lol. I find it funny that a few people made a big deal about.
And MiaS13, you can only call a sloppy nig beat down if you are a sloppy nig. Sorry meng.
DrumFunKen said:
Look at that mans neckless. Str8 diamonds and platinum. Thats all he wears. Fucking Balla for real.

I've been buying mixed tapes, cd's, and into his venues since around 95. I helped him get that shit! >.< He deserves it - he's very talented and I've talked to him before at parties, super cool guy.
natariix said:
yea I get them quite often =/

I wasn't offended at all, lol. I find it funny that a few people made a big deal about.
And MiaS13, you can only call a sloppy nig beat down if you are a sloppy nig. Sorry meng.

:runaway: Help!! help!!! help!!! Please don't hurt me!!!! :ugh:

I'm glad you didn't take it personal.. I was getting worried about my well being!!!! But hey overall the eyes stand out alot on the picture ;)
whoa....i cant call for an outside team to back me up....I'm Team 2forty/Drift Bear Racing(yes we do exist) but cant call for my boys from sloppy nigs for a beat down?????
I'm 21, so there's bound to be some acne from time to time. It's all good.
It's not like you called me a fat whore or something.
Then I'd have to punch you in the mouth.

MiaS13 said:
whoa....i cant call for an outside team to back me up....I'm Team 2forty/Drift Bear Racing(yes we do exist) but cant call for my boys from sloppy nigs for a beat down?????

Not really if you already have your own peeps.

If I wanted SNS I'd call on them myself. But I'm a big girl, I can hold my own.
natariix said:
I'm 21, so there's bound to be some acne from time to time. It's all good.
It's not like you called me a fat whore or something.
Then I'd have to punch you in the mouth.

Not really if you already have your own peeps.

If I wanted SNS I'd call on them myself. But I'm a big girl, I can hold my own.

Your 21!!! :ugh: You don't want to know how old I am then.. Cause belive me Acne is the least of my problems!!!!! But all I have to say is SNS FTW!!!!
The Knight Monkeys Vs. Sloppy Nig Style Vs SMDG Vs FullOpp Vs Team 2Forty

A BATTLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS...i got my money on full op
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