
Hibino just murddered it in that vid lmao...

And Ueo has always been my favorite AE86 drifter (I have a few of his Drift Tengoku tapes) when he had the black liftback.

AE86 drifters drift balls out FTW....:bigthumbu
Yo I dont know why but damn the AE86 is just incredible when its seen drifting...
amazing...the angle and entry sspeed u can achieve with such an undrpowered car.
Unfortunately most guys get into the hype of the 240 and ignore the AE86....:(

Guys the vids are sik
If you cant respect old school and talk junk about it then you dont love cars period. Old inspires New. To many people nowadays are all into the new car culture instead of educating themselves of what drives the passion of an enthusiast. Nothing looks better than a hooked up AE86, 510, 240Z, 2000GT and so forth.
almost 600hp in an u massive smoke, sick angle and blazing entry speeds.
Im still in awe.... that was sik.

IMO thats the best Silvia drifting ive ever seen. hands down.

Guys YOUTUBE A.Kuroi.

Hes even siker in the blue Toyo Tires S13.
Ive totally disregarded him and never moticed the dude until now.
Def on e of the best drifters ive ever seen.
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Good vids ^^^ :bigthumbu.

Well, even more Ueo. . .
Older vid


And since street drifting is a hot topic on here now(leave it to the pros ;)). . .

Ueo drifting his Sift Garage wagon(Te Corolla)

For more Ueo and a quick vid of this ^^^ wagon from the outside here's the link to Ueo's shop:
awesome vids i never get tired of watching ueos vids over and over again :bigthumbu

and that rally vid was amazing
holy fucking shit!!!
UEO is the defenition of NEVER LIFT!!!

And im sorry but 4AG FTMFW damn i miss mine

The fucking way he has those RPM almost always over 6grand is pure sikness....
Im speechless

NOTE: I just realized Ueo is a demon in form of a man
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I guess you can see why Ueo is one of my biggest inspirations :D.

We can't forget another 86er and champion in Youichi Imamura :bigthumbu. The guy can drift many different cars very well.

Famous Imamura 86 vid.

Another good Imamura vid.

Ueo and Imamura together at around :46secs
this dude is choppin the fuh outa SAS...


The funny thing is that everyone who comes from a low hp car drives like that and has to learn proper technique. That's why newer people need to worry about proper car maintenance, locking diff and suspension. Low hp, full throttle drifting is a lot of fun ;).
Well, now for my favorite non-86 drivers who also inspire. I just love aggressive driving and violent maneuvers :bigthumbu.


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