j0nes said:
zombie survival guide eh! i read that book lol
wait i dont remember reading anything about hellspawn.
Heheh, I didn't even know that book existed, I might just pick it up.
Anyway yeah thing about zombies is you got 2 distinct categories. You got the Virus/Biological Agent/Genetic Experiment types, and the Gates of hell/Rapture in zombie form type. The first is still subject to the laws of nature, hence natural zombies. This is the type of zombie infestation you can wait out, as the only reason they are still working is because at some level a biological process is at work, if energy is exhausted they simply die.
The 2nd is a supernatural wrath of god/attack from the devil type of thing. Either satan or unspecified "dark forces" come from hell or another supernatural plane and logically decide zombies are the order of the day, or the rapture occurs and god decides to work in mysterious ways by reanimating the earthly bodies of the uplifted. Death is unavoidable in this case, if a supernatural being decided to assault earth, you can think of zombies as the teaser trailer.
Also, stop with the handgun talk. Unless you know
GunKata you're dead meat. Shotgun with alternating large shot and slug rounds is your first choice. Assault rifles are secondary because they suck for close quarters combat, which is the ONLY combat you need to worry about. Only use for a even a rifle is clearing loitering zombies from the entrance of an objective (store, shelter, etc). You're not going to be randomly picking off zombies, if you see a zombie at a distance, you need to look for additional zombies immediately and change course. Stopping to take a shot for shits and giggles is begging for a bite on the neck while you try to get a bead on it...
Sub-machineguns are almost as useless as a handgun because shotguns are much more effective at clearing close quarters and even medium range, and large assault rifles are better for long range.
Observe a Slug round:
Get an automatic shotty with a large magazine and you're golden...