lol... jesus loves dinosaurs
This is why I love religious people(sarcasm), How can you take a guy who lives on cloud seriously? All religious people are nuts.
If god was real and he was all loving, he wouldn't have shown himself to the world. Because of god, more people have died than any other reason. It's stupid, I'm gonna kill myself because god says so, even though he gave me free will to do whatever I want, which is a gift from him to begin with, I'm gonna forget all that, because a book written by "GOD" says to die for god.
Enough about religion before I get banned, if this war was fought because of terrorism blah blah blah, why they hell did we go into IRAQ, what the hell are we still doing in IRAQ? And dont tell me because SAddam Husain was guarding terrorist, because there are many more countries guarding terrorists also. We may as well have a war with all countries guarding terrorists. We have had so many stupid reason for going into IRAQ, we need to save those poor people in IRAQ-we may as well save all the people in dictator run 3rd world countries, cuba, north korea, venezuela, somalia. Oh we went into IRAQ because of oil! WTF? then why is gas at $4+? Answer me that. This war is retarted, the U.S. has nothing to gain from helping the rest of the world. Keep helping everybody America, while your own country crumbles from within, your out helping other stupid countries. I dont get it.
It's stupid, I'm gonna kill myself because god says so, even though he gave me free will to do whatever I want, which is a gift from him to begin with, I'm gonna forget all that, because a book written by "GOD" says to die for god.
what book says to kill yourself for god??????
what book says to kill yourself for god??????
Then were are these people getting these fanatical ideas if not from the quran?
theres fanatic in every religion. ure basically insulting the islamic religion by sayin there koran says kill yourself for allah lol
yo its definately not from the quran, its actually against the muslim religion for kill any inoccent ppl, and to us they are not even considered muslim
u cant think a away about a group because one of them does something wrong
its like saying every christian is a pedifile and love to touch lil boys are you talking about? this thread pertains to the threat that radical islam poses on western civilization. wat u talkin bout oil and shit
I'm not trying to say all muslims, jews, christians are bad. I just sometimes wonder why people, people who have free will, don't question things. If you started to analyze most of the things in the bible(i've only read the bible but im sure the quran and the other books are basically the same), it in itself starts to unravel how much it's full of bullshit. I use to believe in a (christian) god, then I read the bible, that's all it took for me not to believe in any of this shit.
The Iraq war has lots to do with this shit, wtf did we go over their to begin with?