Girl problems? aNna to the rescue

long story short, ex girlfriend cheated on me...anna to the rescue...lmao
If any of you know Anna...and I know most of you do...most of you know she is the SHIT

aNnaz SCANDAL0US (11:41:40 PM): tell her that you never acted out of line. you never had naked pictures of girls on his phone, you never treated your relationship disrespectfully and you never in your right mind would tell someone you loved them to later tell them that they are nothing but a mere convience and you'd rather get rid of a great thing you had to go to a low life low educated hispanic loser who will probably get her pregnant and leave her for another girl because he said he "could do better"
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (11:41:44 PM): email that shit to her
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (11:42:38 PM): tell her if i see her i am not liable for any damages she incurs
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (11:42:59 PM): i might of saw the bright white flash and had a brief moment of insanity
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (11:44:35 PM): tell her she as a person makes me sick to my stomach for lying to MY FACE about what a great relationship me and donnie have and how she wants to have one just like mine
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (11:44:37 PM): whore
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (11:44:39 PM): all of them are
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (11:45:09 PM): *anna does snobbish nose in the air humph noise with eyes closed and arms crossed*
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (11:50:31 PM): any girl who fucks my friends over ill throw shoes at

then my ex told Anna to stfu

anna said

aNnaz SCANDAL0US (11:58:18 PM): but you can tell her she can kiss my foot when it lands in her mouth

then my ex went and told her older brother who said if Anna touches her there will be major consequences...anna laughes in the face of danger

aNnaz SCANDAL0US (12:03:52 AM): tell him im not scared
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (12:04:13 AM): he cant touch me if he did my brothers will kill him
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (12:04:19 AM): fuck id kill him
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (12:04:28 AM): ill pull the ball twist on him
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (12:04:49 AM): since his pants are more baggy then a single teen mother's eye bags
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (12:05:44 AM): dont matter
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (12:05:49 AM): what is he gonna do?
aNnaz SCANDAL0US (12:05:52 AM): threaten my life?

WTF.....wut does that have to do with anything...


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the thread sounds wrong..."Girl problems? anna to the rescuse" making her sound like u can call her for to get some ...not saying that she is like that or n e thing jus thats what it sounds like!
but she's racist, so in case you got some damn Hispanics on your yard, u can cal her i guess
but she's racist, so in case you got some damn Hispanics on your yard, u can cal her i guess

Manny.....everyone secretly hates hispanics. Even some hispanics are like "oye cabrone estupido, dale dale."

Therefor, she cannot be a racist.

- The Cracker ass cracker.
but she's racist, so in case you got some damn Hispanics on your yard, u can cal her i guess

manny why are you pulling that card now? that guy was a douche to begin with and was just an insult to him since they first had problems with him. if your upset im sorry but it was not geared or directed to anyone but to him.
Don't say that she's hot with out the nudes.. shes good people HARD TO FIND THESE DAYS AND WELL RESPECTED ON THIS FORUM AND ME:)
Don't say that she's hot with out the nudes.. shes good people HARD TO FIND THESE DAYS AND WELL RESPECTED ON THIS FORUM AND ME:)

nick doesnt have nudes of me. no one does. not even donnie. :rolleyes:

so if you think he does.. i dont think you'll see anything. probably good photoshopping skills.
nick doesnt have nudes of me. no one does. not even donnie. :rolleyes:

so if you think he does.. i dont think you'll see anything. probably good photoshopping skills.

Joo stayed at muh house for free.....NOTHING IS FREE MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa.

Ill post them when I get home.

haha got ya, I was only kidding. :D
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