Girl gets owned.

well i agree upon the terms once you lie you lost everything and all that bs since i see it the same way but i think it should be better for you just to ignore her.. since you might ended up hurt by trying to hurt her.. is a blade with two sides.... careful! and good luck!!:bigthumbu

Ya know, your right Locko. Its fun playing with peoples emotions when they deserve that me she deserves it.

But I see your point....just dealing with her has made me more alert and a little more paranoid about women and trusting them. So I may not be hurt emotionally....but it did have a negative affect.
second of all remember if you ignore her and be like cool .. like she is nothing.. it will hurt like a bicht to her lol :) !! but is also something extremelly hard to deal and work on it.. kind of like a challenge ;)!! now get yourself a nice couple of girls to take the pain out ;)!! that ought a do it !! :cool:
"I am man, never again will I neglect my vehicle's well being to cater to you. When my car has problems I hook it to a computer, its tells me exactly whats wrong. When you have problems....its *Guess whats pissing me off, No sex, and shitty attitude day* eat it."

This is my favorite one.. Ah ha ha haha.... Epic Scaliwag Thread.
It ends here GCliff.....repeat after me.

"I am man, never again will I remember an anniv....let alone remember how to spell it."

"I am man, never again will I tell her she looks great when in all reality she reminds me of a vanilla cake muffin cuz shes sat inside the house eating ho-ho's all day while I go out and bust my ass." (muffin top joke)

"I am man, $200.00 for dinner? Sure, for 3/4 of the year...dollar menu bitch, cuz your just gunna get fat anyways."

"I am man, Why do I work so much? Because my job still sucks....and gives ME money after its done sucking. NOW THATS A RELATIONSHIP!"

"I am man, never again will I neglect my vehicle's well being to cater to you. When my car has problems I hook it to a computer, its tells me exactly whats wrong. When you have problems....its *Guess whats pissing me off, No sex, and shitty attitude day* eat it."

"I am man, You didn't cum....SO FUCKIN WHAT, Figure your shit out."

That is the oath....GCliff, it ends ends today....Be a man.

QFT i live by this shit and you know what my girls still loves me ive never spent more then 20 bucks on a date with this girl in 8 years. now thats gangster
on some g shit hahahahaha bitches are nothing but misery...if i could find me a girl who didnt talk absolute bullshit for 5 minutes or whine about everything i woulda settled a long ass time ago.....fuck bitches make money!
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