Girl gets owned.

LowRisksCC MA47

Wrong wheel parked.
Well, some of you may know....most don't. I came up single back in January and hit the ground running with a couple of chicks. Heres one of my fav girls getting owned and caught in a lie. :)

And this ladies and why I say fuck relationships.

[08:07] lowriskscc: Good morning.
[08:07] thug35: good morning
[08:08] thug35: i see you have many female admirers on facebook
[08:08] lowriskscc: Do i?
[08:08] thug35: ya you do
[08:08] lowriskscc: O.
[08:09] lowriskscc: Where do you see that?
[08:10] thug35: profile
[08:12] thug35: u arent mine to claim so i caqnt say anything about it.....
[08:12] lowriskscc: Not much to say anything about really...
[08:12] lowriskscc: all I see is one girl really....
[08:12] lowriskscc: Andrea.....thats pretty much it.
[08:12] thug35: yep
[08:13] lowriskscc: Nothing to worry about there.
[08:14] lowriskscc: So what did you do yesterday?
[08:15] thug35: nothing watched tv with my pug and a movie with him
[08:15] lowriskscc: Just sat around the house all day?
[08:16] thug35: yep, helped my parents do some things went to kmart then came home oh ya and church
[08:17] lowriskscc: I thought I saw your car yesterday...
[08:17] thug35: where at?
[08:17] lowriskscc: driving in kw
[08:17] lowriskscc: but couldn't have been.
[08:17] thug35: nah not me
[08:17] lowriskscc: damn.....
[08:18] lowriskscc: Your a bad liar.
[08:18] thug35: my car is leaking oil too bad to make that trip. plus im broke
[08:18] lowriskscc: I saw you at FYE yesterday around 4pm with 2 dudes.
[08:18] lowriskscc: I drove right by you.....
[08:19] lowriskscc: In a gold sedan
[08:19] lowriskscc: 2 scubby looking dudes.
[08:19] lowriskscc: You just got tested.....
[08:19] lowriskscc: you fails. lol.
[08:20] thug35: u can ask my mom i was with her yesterday
[08:20] lowriskscc: Guess, I can't say anything about since your not mine to claim....
[08:20] lowriskscc: bullshit.
[08:20] lowriskscc: theres only one 90 lb chick that drives a black firebird....
[08:21] lowriskscc: not only that Belen, but that year, and trim level is a rare one....
[08:21] lowriskscc: not many Firebirds with those rims.
[08:21] thug35: ya me and danielle have the exact same car
[08:21] lowriskscc: Not many girls look like you either.
[08:21] lowriskscc: It was you....
[08:22] lowriskscc: I got you caught up in a humor me, come clean once and for all....whats the lie for?
[08:22] lowriskscc: H/o
[08:22] thug35: there is no reason for it! Plus why wouldnt you say hi if you saw me
[08:22] lowriskscc: This is your one oppertunity to save this.
[08:23] lowriskscc: simple....I saw an oppertunity to test you.
[08:23] lowriskscc: I had this shit planned since 4 pm yesterday.
[08:23] lowriskscc: Seriously.....whats the reason.
[08:24] lowriskscc: If you got a man.....fuck it say it, ill creep with the best of em
[08:24] thug35: interesting, but Sunday is the one day i like to stay home I ate with my family at Key Colony Inn, went to church and watch the Simpsons and family guy, etc..
[08:24] thug35: I aint got a man
[08:24] lowriskscc: but yesterday you came to KW
[08:24] lowriskscc: and was standing with your back to FYE talking to two dirty ass guys.
[08:25] lowriskscc: either you can cowboy the fuck up and start telling me some truth....
[08:25] lowriskscc: or you can cut your losses and run the other direction.
[08:26] lowriskscc: I don't give a shit who ya hang out with, who ya fuck, who ya suck....not my concern....but when you jack my time off and lie to me...then its a personal problem that I will deal with.
[08:27] lowriskscc: What you do in your free time is your deal.....don't bring me into bullshit.
[08:27] thug35: i dont cheat on anyone
[08:27] lowriskscc: Nah.....really? I dun give a shit.
[08:27] lowriskscc: I just wanna know whats up with the bullshit....
[08:28] lowriskscc: real simple.
[08:28] thug35: i have given you my trust, time and body and loyalty
[08:28] lowriskscc: hahahaha
[08:28] lowriskscc: You gave me a headache, a lie, and wasted like 5 hours of my life.
[08:28] lowriskscc: Now I want the truth....
[08:28] lowriskscc: I already know the truth.....just not the why.
[08:28] lowriskscc: so fill me in please.
[08:29] thug35: whats the truth?
[08:29] lowriskscc: Truth is, yesterday you were in KW
[08:29] lowriskscc: Truth is.....your hiding something from me, and have been hiding something.
[08:29] thug35: you know i cant surprise you with shit, i was buying you something and trying to be sneaky, but that shit dont work with me
[08:30] lowriskscc: Id like to know exactly what it is Ive gotten myself into so I can evaluate the risks im taking.
[08:30] lowriskscc: with two guys eh?
[08:30] thug35: i dont have a boyfriend the two guys you saw me talking to are not my boyfriends
[08:30] thug35: i know them from town, they were in their own car, they just happen to see me
[08:30] thug35: happy now?
[08:30] lowriskscc: Nope.
[08:31] thug35: you wanna know what i bought you too
[08:31] thug35: ?
[08:31] lowriskscc: Nope.
[08:31] lowriskscc: Funny.....
[08:31] lowriskscc: my last girlfriend looked me in the eyes and told me "Baby id never lie to you"
[08:31] lowriskscc: I think you did the same to me out on the beach
[08:32] thug35: i wasnt lying i was trying to surprise you, big difference
[08:32] lowriskscc: Well, you damn sure didn't suprize me with this shit today...
[08:32] lowriskscc: You suprize there.
[08:34] thug35: ok
[08:35] lowriskscc: The suprize story is a cover.
[08:35] lowriskscc: so whats the REAL fuckin deal....
[08:35] lowriskscc: explain it to me, maybe youll start to make a bit more sence to me.
[08:35] thug35: that is the deal
[08:36] lowriskscc: And the other night....with the bridge mix up....omg full-o-shit.
[08:36] lowriskscc: heres my guess on how that went down...
[08:36] lowriskscc: I think
[08:36] thug35: u saw the text messages i had sent!
[08:36] lowriskscc: You do have a man, and it took you longer than expected to get out of the house.
[08:37] thug35: lol, im not a cheater
[08:37] lowriskscc: ill fuck ya on the side, drop you off and shake his fuckin hand....I don't give a shit.
[08:37] thug35: im not that girl
[08:37] lowriskscc: I aint that guy that you can bullshit and get away with it
[08:38] lowriskscc: So why lie if you weren't doing anything?
[08:38] lowriskscc: You only lie when your doing dirt
[08:38] lowriskscc: from what you told me.....that was some pretty innocent shit.
[08:38] lowriskscc: doesn't add up.
[08:38] thug35: i told u the story
[08:38] lowriskscc: You told me a second lie....with some truth
[08:39] lowriskscc: You admitted that you were in kW...big deal, already knew that shit.
[08:39] thug35: i am innocent, im not a cheater, manipulator
[08:39] lowriskscc: Why were you in KW, and why did you feel the need to lie.
[08:39] lowriskscc: innocent people don't lie.
[08:40] thug35: i was buying u something!
[08:40] lowriskscc: ok what
[08:41] lowriskscc: got a recipt?
[08:41] thug35: ya
[08:41] thug35: i do
[08:41] lowriskscc: Good save it.
[08:41] lowriskscc: I wanna see it
[08:41] thug35: fine
[08:41] lowriskscc: whad ya buy
[08:42] thug35: you'll see when u see the receipt
[08:42] lowriskscc: You could just tell me now....
[08:42] lowriskscc: since Im going to see anyways.
[08:43] thug35: some funny gag things
[08:44] thug35: and something else...
[08:44] lowriskscc: Oh...and I got allllllllot of friends in that store.
[08:44] lowriskscc:
[08:44] thug35: good
[08:44] lowriskscc: You realize without this recipt....were done.
[08:45] lowriskscc: so if you "loose" it....your shit outta luck
[08:45] lowriskscc: Might wanna hold onto it..
[08:45] thug35: ya i got u
[08:45] lowriskscc: Thats worth all this trouble.
[08:46] thug35: u r to me, but what am i worth to u
[08:46] lowriskscc: we will find out won't we.
[08:46] lowriskscc: But I told you something in the past...
[08:46] lowriskscc: about not ever giving me a reason to test your integrity.
[08:47] lowriskscc: You gave me a reason.
[08:48] thug35: u need to realize that i wouldnt hurt you
[08:48] thug35: i dont care how many other girls have said it, im different
[08:48] thug35: i actually wanted this to work
[08:48] lowriskscc: Well, you just set yourself back huuuuge.
[08:51] lowriskscc: Your not are not a unique snow flake...there are many just like you.
[08:51] lowriskscc: and I will continue to see you that way until you prove otherwise.
[08:53] thug35: ouch
[08:54] lowriskscc: Thats exactly how I felt when you lied to me.
[08:54] lowriskscc: we could feel the same thing from two totally diff things huh
[08:57] thug35: look, u win, ill show u the receipt just to prove im not a liar or scandelous
[08:57] lowriskscc: You are a liar
[08:58] lowriskscc: you are scandelous, and I always win.
[08:58] thug35: sorry u feel that way and im glad u always win
[09:00] lowriskscc: Me too....its the best feeling in the world...winning.

Me- 1
Scaliwags - 0
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oh man ajajajajaja owned!!!!!! but this part is sig materiall!!!
[08:28] thug35: i have given you my trust, time and body and loyalty
[08:28] lowriskscc: hahahaha
[08:28] lowriskscc: You gave me a headache, a lie, and wasted like 5 hours of my life.
lying is such a waste of time.
look at that long ass conversation, and all that back and forth nonsense.
Wait wait wait... You were talking to a girl with a sn called thug35? And she drove a fire bird?

She drives a fire bird, I changed her screen name (because im still going to have my scaliwag fun with her)

lying is such a waste of time.

Thats why I told her this.

[08:48] thug35: u need to realize that i wouldnt hurt you
[08:48] thug35: i dont care how many other girls have said it, im different
[08:48] thug35: i actually wanted this to work
[08:48] lowriskscc: Well, you just set yourself back huuuuge.
[08:51] lowriskscc: Your not are not a unique snow flake...there are many just like you.
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Talk about jealous. You saw a girl talking to 2 guys in the mall that she may very well have ran into. I don't know either of you but if she turns up a receipt she should be the one calling it off with you for being such a psycho/wierdo.
Talk about jealous. You saw a girl talking to 2 guys in the mall that she may very well have ran into. I don't know either of you but if she turns up a receipt she should be the one calling it off with you for being such a psycho/wierdo.

he always wins haha he'll think of something
Talk about jealous. You saw a girl talking to 2 guys in the mall that she may very well have ran into. I don't know either of you but if she turns up a receipt she should be the one calling it off with you for being such a psycho/wierdo.

lowriskscc: So what did you do yesterday? (I already knew the answer to my question)
[08:15] thug35: nothing watched tv with my pug and a movie with him (Starts the lie)
[08:15] lowriskscc: Just sat around the house all day? (Further backing her into a corner)
[08:16] thug35: yep, helped my parents do some things went to kmart then came home oh ya and church (.....)
[08:17] lowriskscc: I thought I saw your car yesterday...(final chance for her to be honest)
[08:17] thug35: where at? (...playing dumb)
[08:17] lowriskscc: driving in kw (Still, oppertunity for her to tell the truth)
[08:17] lowriskscc: but couldn't have been. (Making it less obvious that I know the answer to my own question)
[08:17] thug35: nah not me (OMG FAILZ....LAWLZ)

It was a big set up from the word go. I can always ask someone if I can trust them and get a line of shit, or I can test their integrity and get the real answer. So call me fucked up, I call it careful.

Ok, simple geographical break down of my area...
Key West Florida - Mile Marker -0-
Marathon Key Florida Mile Marker -54-
Thats 108 miles round trip.
We don't have a mall....Im from KEY WEST.

She lives in Marathon, I live in Key West....I happened to see her in KW. She always tells me when shes in my neck of the woods. I found it odd that she didn't yesterday. So I decided to wait it out and she if she would tell me she was in Key West yesterday or not. Doesn't matter that she was with two guys and if you read the whole convo that would have been clear to you....cuz its clear to her.

The whole point of this is.....she lied. Plain and simple.

Maybe you didn't read everything all the way through...try it again. Maybe you just havn't been lied to which case I will envy you and feel bad for you all in the same time.

If she leaves...which I doubt she will do, either way its no sweat of my nuts theres always another one waiting in line....and she already knows that.
The difference between her and I is this, I've been 100% up front about my doings....from time to time I have to check people to see where their head is at.....Shes not playing by the rules and now I know that I no longer have to play by the rules. :bigthumbu
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but I still think you acted pretty insecure about it all.

Your exactly right bro, I did. Id rather be insecure than easily lead by some two bit scaliwag. I've had enough of that crap to last me a life time and thats why I am the way I am now. I've heard every line in the book..I've lost hope in society.

To me, when someone lies to me they basicly told me exactly how they feel about me and here it is. "Fuck you, fuck what you think, your so stupid I can tell you anything and youll take it for gospel. Oh btw...I have NO respect for you at all" Thats what a lie means to its kinda fun to tear someones *air tight* story apart. :laugh:
thats just how he is. he needs to stop letting the pussy run his heart and let his dick run the show.

seriously, im going to rip out all of your "omg I love you I just wanna be held" bullshit and turn you into the zach I first met.
thats just how he is. he needs to stop letting the pussy run his heart and let his dick run the show.

seriously, im going to rip out all of your "omg I love you I just wanna be held" bullshit and turn you into the zach I first met.

No need for that, im back in full effect. Just a little more mature and with different tactics. :bigthumbu
the tactic of not kicking out your roomate to get some tail because you didnt want to hurt her feelings? :laugh:

the word of the day is skaliwag...... feed me fuck me shut the fuck up. They will come back dood stop trying to run an adoption agency. If the dick is good they will return.
Shes a good friend....thats the only reason shes there. Shes like a natalie......I wouldn't kick you out for the sake of getting tail either. Tail can wait, my friends will always come first. I just LAWLED in a inmates face reading that.....PPL thank TJ for his last post. now.
Shes a good friend....thats the only reason shes there. Shes like a natalie......I wouldn't kick you out for the sake of getting tail either. Tail can wait, my friends will always come first. I just LAWLED in a inmates face reading that.....PPL thank TJ for his last post. now.

you honestly really totally did not just say this

how many times did I hear from you when you were dating Krystal, or anyone else now that I think about it. When did we ever hang out when you werent many times did you pop up at my door like you used to just to go fuck around town.

cmon man, I know you better than you know yourself. dont feed me the same line of bullshit you feed the skaliwag that you want to be a princess.
you honestly really totally did not just say this

how many times did I hear from you when you were dating Krystal, or anyone else now that I think about it. When did we ever hang out when you werent many times did you pop up at my door like you used to just to go fuck around town.

cmon man, I know you better than you know yourself. dont feed me the same line of bullshit you feed the skaliwag that you want to be a princess.

How many times did YOU go out of your way? Thought so. :D
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