Forza Motorsport 2

I love this game... i havent been online in a while but i will deff game up with u guys... my Gamertag is Akumin19 ill be online tonight cause i have nothing better to do lol.....
Well I dropped a heap of money last night and broke down and got Forza cause my buddy has it with the Microsoft Wheel and it's the heat. Go ahead and friends request me if you can HwayStar is my gamer tag. I was on last night til three in the AM drifting it up. See you cats online.
so is anyone gonna play online tonight if soo add me cause ill be sending out some request tonight... i only got 2 drift cars... lol... S13 and S14 need to do the RX7 next.. but yeah lets do this tonight.
hey guys if some of u are gonna be on tonight hit me up with a friends request on xbox live i wanna drift with people around here gt:DaRK CaSToR
My tag is RaIDeN vBi if anyone wants to drift :D


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well guys i finally got a online ready to go now.. my name tag is sameas the forums...

DownSouthS13 holler at me and lets do some tandems!!!
Blurrbosi--- add me bishes!!! I'll show ya's how its done in tpa

Big mike i tried to join the game you and downsouth had sunday but i was too late... But me and dounsouth hit it up......
i gotta find out why my headset dont work with my controler....the headset works if its plugged in a lap top or whaveter but not when im playin xbox boooo
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