Florida International University? any students on here?

well dang... how high is the insurance in miami? coming from alabama, we barely have to pay anything. I pay bout $130 a month for liability, my friend pays $30 a month for his s10 with a 400 small block. lol
If its too much, i might splurge and buy that instant teleportation device i saw at wal-mart.
I never even thought about it raining a lot because all the pictures of miami are sunny. I checked the forecast and your right... it rains a lottttttttttt! but i geuss if i were to go car, i would save money on tires. ha
I have worked at 4 restaurants and was a grocery bagger at piggly wiggly.

That being said, i am highly qualified to be the leader of FATBOYZ Drift Team! :driving:
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revive!!!!! bringing this thread back from the dead.
This is a very important decision in my life, choosing what college i should go to. Ive been accepted into UCF and FIU and i'm just double checking to make sure i pick the right college. I am visiting both of these colleges in November, but i would like to hear if anyone else wants to voice their opinion about FIU?
Ok look.... Im %100 Dominican even though I was born here... My english is broke, my girlfriend is colombian, and 80% of my friends are hispanics... Let me tell you something about FIU... About Miami too... 85% of the population is Hispanic... Most of them Cubans, Colombians and Venezuelans... Honestly cant stand any of them... No hate my girl is Colombian... The problem is Hispanics think they r the sh$t and honestly I havent meet any hispanic that like racing. My girl graduated last semester with a double major in International Bussiness and Bussines adm. She liked it... but there's a problem most of her classes were online, cuz in campus always were full.... Honestly bro keep your 240 man, here in miami it rains weekly.

Parties are fun. South Beach is not cheap at all. In Campus aint cheap I prefer to rent an apartment or a room out of FIU it will be cheaper.
My housing is already payed for so that is no problem. I'm asian so i guess i will be considered a minority in Miami. Haha. Anyways, I hate online classes with a passion because I am currently taking 4 of them, just to finish high school early. I want to party..... and have fun with the Jersey Shore people lol jk.

Odd question, has anyone been to the Ultra Music Festival? is it fun?
Odd question, has anyone been to the Ultra Music Festival? is it fun?

Its beyond fun. Its fucking insanity. If you are in Miami (fuck it, if you are in Florida) you have to check it out.
People complain its expensive, but fuck man, you are watching the world's top DJs all in ONE FUCKING PLACE! The ticket for Bassnectar last month cost me $40 at the door. That was for just 1 DJ. When you keep that in mind you realize that the price for Ultra is more than worth it. There's a ton of DJs playing at once, different styles, so if you get bored just walk to another tent/stage.

The reason why Im writing this at 6 a.m is because I just got back from the Bloody fucking Beetroots at Mansion. And here's the thing: It was unbelievable, but its still Mansion = meaning pretentious bouncers at the door, rip-off prices for watered down cocktails, and only 2 hours of the Beetroots (I thought they were gonna play from 11-5am wtf???)

In Ultra, people just dont give a fuck they dont give a fuck how you are dressed, or how you dance, or how crazy you act. Chances are there's someone crazier than you anyways. In this year's Ultra I climbed a lightpost at the Ibiza tent when Dirty South was spinning, and stayed there for a good 20 mins dancing like a motherfucking monkey before someone told me to get down. Try that shit in any south beach club and the bouncers will throw your ass to the curb before you can blink.

Thats whats awesome about Ultra, its all about the music. Ive been to a lot of Heavy Metal concerts, punk, reggae, classic rock, and clubs, both here and in Europe, and the feeling I had at Ultra was certainly unique. -And no, I wasn't on anything. The music's enough!
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