Fast & Furious 3...What will it do for Drifting?

Very good point......And in my point of view when you guys talk about rice as in look no one can beat the japanese peeps in that you can nmot see a damn japanse show with a clean car they over do their car at least here we dont go that extremem....but as in power no one can beat the japense peeps and in handling too........We are just complete opposite of asia, if you put every one in asia and compare them to every one in the US we'll look like mushkins......
The only thing i'm worried about is getting extra attention from police because of the movie... even though I don't drift on the streets.
Guys don't trip nothing will change just learn your laws and don't brake them if you build a decent car you won't be bothered by cops anyways, They will always chase the guy w/ the loud as blow off valve before the guy with the 2-way LSD and suspension galore.
Nelvis138 said:
Guys don't trip nothing will change just learn your laws and don't brake them if you build a decent car you won't be bothered by cops anyways, They will always chase the guy w/ the loud as blow off valve before the guy with the 2-way LSD and suspension galore.
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