Event tease clip, more to come.

LowRisksCC MA47

Wrong wheel parked.
Alright all of you itching for some footage of the event, here ya go. I paid the price of getting a dirt and rubber bath from Ter-Teck's Bmw, followed by Greasy, and also Santi *sorry if I misspelled* Id like to personally thank Ter-Teck for filling my lungs with tire smoke and burning my skin with rubber. My lawyer will be contacting you shortly :) Just kidding, awsome job guys, thank you. The quality sucks, if you want to complain please write a letter with some money enclosed to pay for a new computer and some better editing software. Till then DEAL WITH IT, And enjoy :D
Click here to watch terteckevent33
Not only is LowRisks my pit *****, he is also sfldrifters video *****! We are about to invest in a hoyttech in car camera system. When we come to events, we will hook them up to peoples cars and get even better footage.
That's awsome news! I like the idea to leave the camera in the floor. You guys got some great footage by improvising!
illphantasm said:
dammit, I didn't make the cut for the teaser.
You didn't make the cut because the battery died, and I was charging it in the car when you did your runs. I love your car man, I thought you were awsome....just too bad the battery was dead. I could have gotten more footage but I was being lazy, I was in the hot sun all day running on 2 hours of sleep....thats love right there. But Ill I got respect for the fwd Rolla, I wanted to tray slide the Camry, but I had no trays and didn't think Ter-teck would let me out on the track without being registered. How ever I did get the Ter-teck wreck and the 86 going backwards into the wall and the aftermath of the 86 wreck. I got dibs on his GTS rims!
LowRisksCC MA47 said:
You didn't make the cut because the battery died, and I was charging it in the car when you did your runs. I love your car man, I thought you were awsome....just too bad the battery was dead. I could have gotten more footage but I was being lazy, I was in the hot sun all day running on 2 hours of sleep....thats love right there. But Ill I got respect for the fwd Rolla...

Aw, no sweat man, its just that as much as I love seeing everytihng from the driver's seat, I would have loved to see one of my runs to review my performance, let alone see how my All-trac grille and Cressida lip looked in motion, lol. It ain't your fault I showed up so late. Can't wait to see the rest of the video. If anyone has footage of me, I'd love to see it!
nice edit.....I wish we could of filmed but we were too busy promoting our
T shirts, we didn't remember to bring the cameras. lol Keep em coming!
aw naw hell naw yall been up and done it...lmao! nice vid man, cant wait too see more...hey let me know if you have any clips or pics of the vigor!!!
Dood Sick Stuff...............i Wish I Could Have Got On Ther But I No Theres No Love For The Stock Automatics.....lol Just Kidding Good Work Dood
Okami said:
btw thanks for getting me in there guys! :(
Man whipe your tears away with those dreads, you know I got you on film. You just have to wait. Till then keep crying and don't go near any loaded guns or pill bottles.
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