ethonal.. is it affecting you?

having water in your pump can cause your engine to stall out and probably never work again. so make sure there is no water! water pulled ethanol out of the gas making the gas unburnable. but all in all it should be ok in a regular automobiles gas tanks. but there have been warnings that it can fuck up an engine in boats and aircrafts. when we switched to ethonal blends at the marina where i work we had to read up on it and tell our customers.
Could this be whats wrong with my car? for the last couple of months I've been having problems with my car running lean after like 20-25 minutes of driving around. I've replaced Fuel, MAF, and ECU on the KA and none of them have solved the problem.:mad:
^^^ german engineering....anyways...

not twice the the stoich is at like 10.8 i think or something....i cant remember i have like 300 pages of this shit on my favorites lol...

you use more, but need less to move that same distance ....weird...but it makes sense

super trashed btw
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Could this be whats wrong with my car? for the last couple of months I've been having problems with my car running lean after like 20-25 minutes of driving around. I've replaced Fuel, MAF, and ECU on the KA and none of them have solved the problem.:mad:

Look into the engine temp sensor, the one in the block for the ecu not the cluster guage. Sometimes when they go bad and dont send the right readings to the ecu it can fall back into warm up mode which it runs lean or rich (depending on the signal the sensors sending) to get the motor to proper operating temp quicker. My daily was having the same problem and that is what finaly fixed it. Worth a try.
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Could this be whats wrong with my car? for the last couple of months I've been having problems with my car running lean after like 20-25 minutes of driving around. I've replaced Fuel, MAF, and ECU on the KA and none of them have solved the problem.:mad:
Do you have a thermostat? A lot of people remove the thermostat because it's "Florida" and we don't need them here like we would if we were up north. The problem with no thermostat though is that the engine will cool a bit after some running and like rhythm_drifting said, it'll go back into warm up mode and cause you to run rich.
wow wtf is the point of putting more ethonal in gas? are they doing it to all the gases? (premium also?)

This country is trying to stretch every barrel of crude oil as much as it can. We are running 10% ethanol in our gasoline, which may not seem alot to you but when you multiply that by how many gallons the 251 million registered automobiles in the U.S. use each day, thats alot of saved oil. Oil that we now don't have to buy from foreign countries. The percentage of ethanol in our gasoline is only going to keep rising. I just feel bad that untill they start mass producing ethanol made form waste residues, the price of one of these is going to go up.
Roughly 5% of all the corn produced annually in the US is food grade, and I believe after all markets have purchased their corn stock (for cattle, fuel production, ect), there is still a goverment subcidized suplus of close to 75%.

It has been said that the production of ethanol will increase the cost of corn based food products, but as long as we have the enormous surplus that exists today and that has been in existance for MANY years, we'll all be able to buy a taco for a dollar. If food prices do rise, you better believe it is due to other factors, mainly companies looking to take advantage of the current situation.

IMHO, enthanol production should be ramped up to maximum capacity and introduced into our gasoline supply, but only if a reduction in the cost of fuel is applied to compinsate for the deceased milage per gallon enthanol offers.

Ethanol is great, but people have to be ready to make changes to their cars.
Believe me, we run more than 10% ethanol here. I've tested numerous amounts of cars for ethanol percentage in the fuel rail and came up with 10-almost 50%. The gas companies LIE, plain and simple. Next year they will put a sticker that says 20% on all pumps, which means we may be seeing over 50% ethanol in our tanks.
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