Drift Sessions at Countyline Skidpad - MOVED TO MAY 1st

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How was it!
Cracked manifold FTL!

I have tires ready for the next skidpad tho.
Just have to reweld this shit asap.
Awesome time..... thanks to tim, ben, paul, n every1 else who put it together. Got a lot of runs in and had a blast. Good driving by juan, bert, n carlos in their tandems keepin it good.
I had a great time and got a really good amount of seat time which was good since i haven't drifted in a while.
it was nice finally felt the feeling to tandem thanks ronch even tho my diff decided to go poop!! tim ben and everone else .....time to put on the new welded on tomorrow
Awesome night! First time tandeming in a devils three way with Ben and Juan! Then doing it up with my man Bert! I hope somebody got footy of that stuff! Thanks to tim and Paul for holding it down! But I can't wait for more day time events!
amazing night! I think I finally got the transition out, just got to watch out for the wall:D pitch dark drifting was awesoooooooome! it was cool watching some of the cars head lights project off of the trees.
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Awesome night! First time tandeming in a devils three way with Ben and Juan! Then doing it up with my man Bert! I hope somebody got footy of that stuff! Thanks to tim and Paul for holding it down! But I can't wait for more day time events!

I think i might, i know i have 1 vid of someone tandeming but I didnt pay too much attention to the cars. Ill try and post it up later.
I saw someone getting some vids of our cars. He was wearing a hoodie.... Any one knows if he posted them or where they are??
sweet!!! ya i talked to him and he told me... save some tires for me cuz SEP comes around and i come home i want to hit up county line!!!
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