Drift Sessions at Countyline Skidpad - MOVED TO MAY 1st

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Because ill be running it...

First thing this isn't the last second and why does it matter to you? Do you slide?

Wow, I love fgts like you. Yeah it kinda does matter cause I was bringing my friend out , & he is taking the day off to come out & SPECTATE
No more friday skid pad.....sundayz ftw

We agree, we asked the track to give us any and all sundays available.

Everyone needs to just stop bitchin. Slide on Saturday or go in 2 weeks to the next one.

Thank you.

LOL @ calling the event staff Fgt.


And yes way too much crybaby shit going on here! We have skidpad events just about every two weeks and people still complain


I gotta update the flyer when I get home tonight.

Sweet thank you Ben :bigthumbu
Thank you paul for letting us know ahead of time!
Atleast we got it rescheduled a day later than canceling it all together, be grateful for that and sorry to hear from a few of the other people who won't be able to make it this friday! There will be more!
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