Drift Demo at homestead speedway

12-3pm on saturday and sunday is the time frame we will be drifting around and the price for entry is 15$ for spectating i am pretty sure on this info correct me if i am wrong
Is there only certain people that can drift or can anyone drift? don't have to have a cage do you? Its free to drift also right? I might be in if its Yes No Maybe. Also might have a TT Z guy might wanna drift also.
This event will be a closed demo, to hopefully show the guys at FARA what we bring to the table, so we can start hosting events for everyone there.

This will be a closed demo like eric said. When i was contacted by FARA we had discused what would be the best order of action. I had ask them if i could put together a demo, so i could check out the track lay out. Drifting at Homestead speedway is not something i wanted to just dive into. so in order to run events there i need to see the facilities and what FARA has to offer in the future. Will FARA be able to offer us the time on the track we would need to hold a full drift event I am not sure yet. So i feel this demo will give the guys of FARA a good idea of what we will need. I personally choose these 8 guys with the confidance that they can handle the speed and track lay out, as there is a change in level as they will be going threw the turns. And not to mention all the drivers have supported and drifted at least one if not all of the DRIFT Sessions events. So the entry will be 15$ kids 12 and under free, if you are media contact them through there website FARAUSA.com. Please come out but if you need to pic a day come out sunday that will be the main day.

nissanZXfreak said:
Is there only certain people that can drift or can anyone drift? don't have to have a cage do you? Its free to drift also right? I might be in if its Yes No Maybe. Also might have a TT Z guy might wanna drift also.
Did you ask Harri if he wanted to drive? cause really him and Sean love are the only people on this forum that have actually driven that track before and Harri did pretty well back then considering it was his first event. Hard to believe hes still driving the same car
Im down 15 bux for both days ?? im sold gunna be down there with my cousin.. cant wait.. GL to those drifting
Piner said:
Did you ask Harri if he wanted to drive? cause really him and Sean love are the only people on this forum that have actually driven that track before and Harri did pretty well back then considering it was his first event. Hard to believe hes still driving the same car

dont forget about guille....

Its no doubt they can hit this track but like i said i really wanted to thank the guys that have supported Drift sessions and give them first dibs on the demo. So hopefullt this will lead into bigger things.

Piner said:
Did you ask Harri if he wanted to drive? cause really him and Sean love are the only people on this forum that have actually driven that track before and Harri did pretty well back then considering it was his first event. Hard to believe hes still driving the same car
Wow memories...I was there at the Drift Showoff in '04 :D goodtimes
I live about 5-10 minutes from the Speedway.
I dont know if anyones familiar with that area back there, also around Keys Gate
but theres a wide-ass street right in front of the Water-tower and thats where
me and my boys been going for the past 4-5 years to fuck around (drift, slide, burnouts, basically eat shit) chill. :bigthumbu
Theres an area that we also like thats an extension of that street thats IMO good for some high speed grip driving although its not too long in distance.
In my GTS ive blasted through the sweepers at 65mph... at the brink of losing rear traction.
But the best is with 2 or more cars running at the same time.
Last Sunday night it was my 3TC AE86, my boys GTS AE86 and my other boys SR S13
just for shits and giggles.
Ive taken almost all the AE86s ive ever had here and we used to take the street bikes also to try to dismember ourselves :rolleyes: lol
*And we've had our fair share of motorcycle accidents there too..
Back in the days there used to be some street racing but didnt last to long.
There's RARELY cops in that area unless its Nascar weekend. And
all of our um..."illegal" automotive festivities take place after 1am and NEVER last long to not cause so much attention, so after we park on the sides right by the tower and talk shit.
Sorry for the long ass essay homies, just letting some of u know what may look deserted may have some history...at least to us.
Its our little secret hangout, since we're the only ones that go there- all the people go up to Kendall and Okeechobee Road (we sometimes roll over there) to meet up. So down here it stays extremely QUIET.
But any of u guys that are closer to us...should meet us down here when we agree is a good night to chill, practice some drifting, grip, etc.....but Grown folks lol :D

*If anyone passes by, ull see all the tire marks we've left throughout the years. ;)

**That street RARELY has a car pass through it. And my boy is the head Security officer at the Marina right acrosss the street from the water-tower.
BTW! I DO NOT consider this street racing simply bc of the lack of vehicles that travel thru that area.

Waddup Ramsey , Jt!
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Great event.

I big thanks to Tim for putting it together.

Also Thanks to Eric, Shanti, Juan and Tim for the great interview.

What was that website again?
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