DONT DRIFT ON STREETS, a guy almost died yesterday infront of Moroso....


Fox! Do a barrel roll!
I went to Seans shop to work on my car a bit and I left about 5pm. We were just about to pass Moroso when a kid in a Black Vette (works at Moroso Karts) tried to drift out of Moroso into our lane going south. Well he went and slid and spun a 180 into the other lane (the northbound lane) and smashed into a guy on a Harley Davidson Motorcycle. The guy in the bike flew like 8ft in the air and landed on his head and flopped around like a ragdoll. We ran out over to him and he was concious but his leg was gushing blood and bones sticking out, his head was smashed and bleeding too (good thing he wore a helmet) and his bike was in peices and the vettes door was non existant (fiberglass cars). I called the ambulance. Guy kept complaing about his leg and all we could do was say your ok man good thing you wore a helmet. Within about 10-20minutes the ambulance and tramahawk and firetruck and police came. When they came they cut his pant leg, his knee cap was backwards and leg was completley broke. Kid in vette talked to us and said "youu think it was all my fault? my my brakes locked up and i spun" were like no, you tried to drift and spun, you spun tires the whole way and lost control and hit guy on bike, its all your fault. He ran a red light and spun tires all the way from the exit of moroso till the point he spun a 180 and smashed into the biker.

PEOPLE! DONT DRIFT ON STREETS EVER! This shit is not cool or anything. That kid is gonna be fucked and that guy on the bike I bet will sue the SHIT out of him. Its not worth it guys, save it for the track.
That's what drift practices are for. I remember there was a time when I was racing a Colorado on Bird RD and and we're cominh up on a intersection and what do you know a fucking MR-2 slides accross us w/ the truck ALMOST hitting it. That woulda been fucking sweat! Drifting on the streets is not cool and way more hazardous than street racing.
THIS IS Y THE TRIANGLE WAS THE SHIT but w/e i think your right for one and if your planning on street drifting do it in the back of empty warhouses or pretty much any secluded area were nobody goes not in the middle of public roadways
JDM_is_RICE said:
That's what drift practices are for. I remember there was a time when I was racing a Colorado on Bird RD and and we're cominh up on a intersection and what do you know a fucking MR-2 slides accross us w/ the truck ALMOST hitting it. That woulda been fucking sweat! Drifting on the streets is not cool and way more hazardous than street racing.

You are a fucking IDIOT. How can you say street racing is safe at all? Don't down one unsafe activity to promote another. IT is like saying crack is hella bad so I do crystal meth!
z4k said:

You are a fucking IDIOT. How can you say street racing is safe at all? Don't down one unsafe activity to promote another. IT is like saying crack is hella bad so I do crystal meth!


Seriously, street racing is not safe to any extent.

I work in the Trauma ER at Orlando regional and I see too much of this shit happening everyday.

If you do street race/drift, please be corteous to regular people and do it somewhere where you can only hurt YOURSELF. Its not fair that people are getting killed everyday because of someones wrecklessness. I myself have done plenty of foolish things, but its time for this shit to stop.

There are enough events this summer to keep everyones pockets empty and adrenaline happy. I mean seriously, when you street drift you are risking more than your own life/car/money. Your risking other peoples lives too, it may be an empty street except for the cars in the other lane, or the cycle.

Anyways, that kid is going to get it..

Anyways, trying not to be a hyprocrite because I have street drifted, and I randomly still do... But i know it's much better to keep it on the track.
I just dont want to see more of this shit happening. Its no cool seeing a guy on the ground bleeding nearly dead.
FlyinFINN said:
I just dont want to see more of this shit happening. Its no cool seeing a guy on the ground bleeding nearly dead.

I feel you on that. Especially if you WORK AT MOROSO! They have been awesome enough to allow events to be held there. Shit if you work there you should be doing it there! Vette driver should be stoned to death!
No trying to create drama. But the same incident could of stemmed from alot of other cause's such as Cell phone usage, Drinking hot coffee and spilling it in lap, not paying attention, failure to maintain vehicle, Driving tired(which we're all guilty of), driving under the influence, inexperienced driver, and alot other factors.

Accidents happen, its part of this worlds nature. I don't think you can avoid it. If its meant to happen to you, one way or another it will find a way. Its called Kharma and its a very real force in the world.

Sure he pulled out drifting and smash instant accident. but lets look at statistics. I'd say less then 1% of the MV accidents in this country stem from a driver loosing traction purposely.

Studies show that 1 in every 20 car accidents is a result of cell phone usage. I think we should be campaigning for us all to stop using cell phones while driving, before I tell people to stop sliding in disclosed out of the way of normal traffic sliding spots.

THIS GUY was a moron. I would like to think that the majority of us sliding streets are experienced and have a clue to what we are doing. Everytime I street slide I put myself and others at risk. I know this and accept the responsibilites, which is why you go with a team, and use radio's. Minimize the risk and accidents become null and void.
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I've seen this kind of thing twice unfortunately. Its shocking and definitely makes you want to campaign against street racing/drifting/ect. The truth is, you'll do it again and so will I. Just be safe about it. That guy was a complete moron. I hope his life is fucked for ruining the life of another. Its a terrible situation no matter how you look at it.
I am done sliding on main roads and what not. If I want to slide the streets, I know a couple places that there is not one soul around. When I used to slide on main streets, I would go around cars on intersections, or come up to another car's rear bumper sliding inches away. I thought it was cool, but I realize how stupid I was. Street drifting is stupid, especially with the amount of events we now have. The more people street slide, the more race tracks and parking lot owners will despise us, and not allow events anymore. KEEP IT ON THE FUCKING TRACK!
I mean, I drift on Beeline once and a While during the night at around 3am where there is noone. This incident isnt causing me to campaign anything, just dont be a fucking idiot and slide into people. Look around and make sure IF you do fuck up, you wont hurt anyone but yourself.
z4k said:

You are a fucking IDIOT. How can you say street racing is safe at all? Don't down one unsafe activity to promote another. IT is like saying crack is hella bad so I do crystal meth!
Hey you pink loving faggot! Where did I say street racing is any safer?! Get your shit straight son. All I ever said is keep drifting at the track. If you wanna drift outside the track make sure to drift in a isolated area. Besides Bird Road was EMPTY.
hahahahahahahahahahahaha "Hey you pink loving faggot" hahahahahaahahaha

ah funny stuff. who is this kid anyway?

noah you better break em up lol

JDM_is_RICE said:
Drifting on the streets is not cool and way more hazardous than street racing.

you should really think before you call zak out like that.. call him a straight up liar and stating you "never said street racing was safer than drifting" when a few post back.. its seriously fucking clear as day.

your a tool end of story.

zak dont even waste your time with him man.
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