Desoto Drift NOPI Qualifier Thoughts

First of all thank you and rest of the crew for the event.
and (name is Antti not Annti)
Only thing I really didn't like was that track was dirty. Oh well.
Track wasn't really that hard...was actually really fun layout...couldn't do it better there.
Everything was explained at the drivers meeting...And I think we only lost one practice guys said it will be 5 runs each practice...last practice was 4 what.
And I agree it was also because of drivers...(maybe next time don't leave cones to the said to stay on the top of dark area...would save some time there...if you don't have to pick up all the cones from there...
And yes this wasn't practice you have to come prepared to this ( for me it was first practice in two years plus new car what was put together night it was test,practice)
I simply didn't get use to my car fast enough...didn't help also broken swaybar linkage.
But as far as event itself...can't really complain about the way it was run or anything else...just that track was dirty...but you already addressed this issue...let's hope there is no rain and tractor pulls next time.
Anyway...thanks for this the end I did have fun there...learned and tested out my car...
these are my thoughts...
boxmod, I gotta hand it to you d00d. I don't know how you were able to put up with the track owner's rage at the parking lot, but you kept your cool. :thumbup:

Also props to the cone runners. I know those guys definitely got a workout. I remember at some points they would put back the cones in place only to have it all taken down again on the next run.
I got pieces of cone still on the underside of my car.

I need to build some type of razor sharp splitter since I spend so much time with them!!!
does anyone know the dude in the yellow evo who was going crazy in the grass parking lot and drifting and such? then they came out and got his license plate, and called the cops? i was laughing we got it on camera on my friends phone.
EroticA said:
does anyone know the dude in the yellow evo who was going crazy in the grass parking lot and drifting and such? then they came out and got his license plate, and called the cops? i was laughing we got it on camera on my friends phone.

What I find interesting is that at the end of the day, that yellow Evo was back at the track.
I’d like to add on my thanks…..

Thank you to Blake Fuller, Harri Tervola and Bill Sherman for your support and for judging the event.

Thank you hug to Rob Fleming – you crack me up! And to Myra, for keeping it all together.

Thank you to the SFLDrifters crew – Bladder and Green Star - who made the trip up to broadcast for everyone and for supporting the DesotoDrift events.

And, thank you to the photographers… you guys also put in time and $$ to capture the excitement of the event, for all who missed it or for those who want to relive it again.

And for the spectators… please keep coming and supporting the Florida drift scene. And, next time.. bring a friend. :)

But, an extra special thanks to Chris Tyler and Jason Jiovani. Thank you for your commitment - for the endless hours you dedicate to preparing for the event and for working your ass off on the big day. Without you guys these events would not happen!

Happy Holidays everyone!
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