D1 USA RD 1 results

Reading something from Drifting.com that says against D1, All the samew people that were bashing on D1 prior to the event, piner you know better than that they are FD nut swingers, believing everything you read in the internet now?
people I spoke to, that went to the event said it was awesome.
And I guess all the NOPI drivers are better than Nomura since he didn't even make the top 16.
the only critisism that I heard was that they did not meet the schedule and the reason they did not, had nothing to do with the organizers.

If it was so great then why did 2/3rd's of the people leave before the event was over with?

I mean Mars just say Mark left because he was bored, Mark usually always stays till he runs out of memory at ANY event grassroots or otherwise. Plus watch the track layout, kinda weak for a D1 course, It isnt that fast or technical.

Alot of those people that posted in that thread are just normal spectators, there are a couple FD nut swingers but still the general consensus is that it was a very poor event.
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If it was so great then why did 2/3rd's of the people leave before the event was over with?

I mean Mars just say Mark left because he was bored, Mark usually always stays till he runs out of memory at ANY event grassroots or otherwise. Plus watch the track layout, kinda weak for a D1 course, It isnt that fast or technical.

Alot of those people that posted in that thread are just normal spectators, there are a couple FD nut swingers but still the general consensus is that it was a very poor event.

2/3 left before the tandem battle, thats a fucking lie look at any of the videos from there and the grand stands were packed to the limit during the tandems.
YouTube - D1 Grand Prix USA 2009 Round 1 Tandem Battles
look at the video and tell me again that 2/3rds left????????????? Oh wait I know the guy who made that post his boyfriend and him left but mom stayed behind thats 2/3 of people to him.
Please dont believe everything you read on the internet.

Mark left before tandem comp? single runs are boring.

The track wasn't fast thats true only 80mph entry Nomura hit like 60mph.

most posts on the Drifting.com are the very same people who were complaining allready before the event, but what ever the videos i've seen look pretty good specially when ever Japanese are following, closer than any FD event ever.
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stop badmouthing FD.. if it wasnt for FD none of you would be here today!!

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! You are right FD had their way with my mom!
Actually if it wasn't for D1 none of us would be here, D1 inventor of Drifting! maybe you didn't know that yet.
Go back to Home Depot lawn mower department is missing you.
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I don't care what anyone says, the Japanese guys made everyone else look real bad. It looked like they may have been having a difficult time following much slower cars. That shit is REAL hard, and they did a good job. But... it didn't really seem fair because it was some of the top Pro J guys against some of the top Amatuer US guys.
I don't care what anyone says, the Japanese guys made everyone else look real bad. It looked like they may have been having a difficult time following much slower cars. That shit is REAL hard, and they did a good job. But... it didn't really seem fair because it was some of the top Pro J guys against some of the top Amatuer US guys.

Thats why you need to go over there and drive your ass of and beat them.
So all of the drifting.com posts look like they were from spectators...what did the drivers think?

Also, anybody know the deal with the tech regs for their "driver's search"? Is it the same from D1 comp on down, or are they going to let non-race-prepped cars drive like last time? I'd love to go, but have been having a hard time shitting the $1000 bills I'd need to get my shit up to spec.
bills all you gotta worry about is the occasional paper cut, diamonds is like shitting glass, the shit hurts man
bills all you gotta worry about is the occasional paper cut, diamonds is like shitting glass, the shit hurts man

but with diamonds you dont have to worry about anyone raping you since your ass is like an shredder! LOL!!!
well everybody has an opinion but what finnis guys sayed was that in drives aspect it was great event. 3.rd gear full speed entry then slowish.
it was wery slippery with 245's on back so tandem you needet much more tires.
juha broke his tranny on practise against saito. and janne's car had bad engine problems (go figure sr20det)

so MY opinion is it was good drifting event. maybe for the spectators who came there to eat and drink, it was bad. (o my good soda is expencive?)
after all there was 7 of the best drifters in the world.
and i like more drifting competitions than drifting shows.
drift box is taking it to more legit competition so i think every drifter who wants to know how good his skills are is going to love drift box.

and here is little video to confuse you even more.:D

YouTube - Rhys Millen's 09 Hyundai Genesis Drift Car in Detail - FDLB
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