D1 USA RD 1 results

Chelsey was running on 5 cylinders all day.
FD drivers are scared to go and drive when they are getting judged with the drift box, which worked flawlesly all weekend thats why for example Nomura did not even make it to top 16. there is no more Bias bullshit judging thats why Forrest made it so far as well He is an awesome driver who is not sponsored therefore will never ever win an event in FD
Cant lie on computer numbers.
Also when JR won the D1 in US it was agreed on by the D1 to let him win to sell more DVD's everyone knows that. So I dont think he scares anyone in J land

***** wha!!!!
haha that sounds funny, drivers of d1 fear the almighty DRIFT BOX; it separates the boys from the men.
***** wha!!!!


holy fuck dude
Chelsey was running on 5 cylinders all day.
FD drivers are scared to go and drive when they are getting judged with the drift box, which worked flawlesly all weekend thats why for example Nomura did not even make it to top 16. there is no more Bias bullshit judging thats why Forrest made it so far as well He is an awesome driver who is not sponsored therefore will never ever win an event in FD
Cant lie on computer numbers.
Also when JR won the D1 in US it was agreed on by the D1 to let him win to sell more DVD's everyone knows that. So I dont think he scares anyone in J land

So when are you going to get a drift box Harri?;)
is it just me or doesn't kumokubo have VERY low angle and terrible lines when following? how did he when when he has that shit going on and he even hit petty (I think petty drives that green/gold/red falken right?) and then straightened. Thats lame as hell.
LOL love this!!
All I can say is this event was the equivalent of buying some knockoff TE37's. Look legit from far away but when you get up on them...Damn..Let down...
Reading something from Drifting.com that says against D1, All the samew people that were bashing on D1 prior to the event, piner you know better than that they are FD nut swingers, believing everything you read in the internet now?
people I spoke to, that went to the event said it was awesome.
And I guess all the NOPI drivers are better than Nomura since he didn't even make the top 16.
the only critisism that I heard was that they did not meet the schedule and the reason they did not, had nothing to do with the organizers.
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is it just me or doesn't kumokubo have VERY low angle and terrible lines when following? how did he when when he has that shit going on and he even hit petty (I think petty drives that green/gold/red falken right?) and then straightened. Thats lame as hell.

lets not forget one of the criteria they look for is how close you can get or how far you can pull away. thats kumokubos strategy, he sacrifices line and angle to get from where he is to his opponents door. like if you were playing tag and you were it, unless your faster you'll never catch your opponent if your always following their line, you anticipate their line and take shortcuts. i think with the judges if you can do that and pull off half decent drifts its good enough.
didnt you watch initial d? haha jk
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lets not forget one of the criteria they look for is how close you can get or how far you can pull away. thats kumokubos strategy, he sacrifices line and angle to get from where he is to his opponents door. like if you were playing tag and you were it, unless your faster you'll never catch your opponent if your always following their line, you anticipate their line and take shortcuts. i think with the judges if you can do that and pull off half decent drifts its good enough.

well how else would you explain how he got second place? it may have very well been judge bias.
im sorry if my opinion wasnt a good enough answer.

It's just funny that your trying to teach Boxmod how drifting works.
don't take it personally, but if someone is sacrificing line/angle (2/3 or score) for proximity, ESPECIALLY when they boast 500+hp, then they are not as good as they guy getting it done same speed at higher angle and better line.

I think 99% of us would rather see a high angle, on line, low speed drift than a slightly higher speed next to no angle drift.

tandem is a mimicking battle where you are trying to one-up the other guy.

i know he got 2nd and the only explaination is one of these 2:
huge judge bias/incompetence
kumokubo is hacking the drift box and the judges are relying on technology too much

either way, seems wrong that he advanced with that display of tandem.

like if you were playing tag and you were it, unless your faster you'll never catch your opponent if your always following their line, you anticipate their line and take shortcuts.

first your analogy is bad because the ENTIRE POINT of TAG is to simply catch the other person, so duh, cut them off.

the ENTIRE POINT of TANDEM is to mirror your opponent and
unless your faster you'll never catch your opponent

yes, so by him cutting his angle/line away he is essentially ADMITTING he is slower.

I know he is good, that isnt the arguement. I dont know why he dove that way or how they let him win that way.

/attitude during this post was informative and not jackassednessessess
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