-D E S O T O __ D R I F T- Dec 5th 2009

im with pat stop crying if u failed say u failed!! and i must say like two years ago when i first met most these guys i was like wtfs with the tightpants now when i see them i know im gonna have sweet day wether crash blow up it doesnt matter were gonna have fuckin fun. quit crying
holy crap at this thread.

So I was careless and stupid and wrecked first run. I drove that way because I was driving an already totalled car so I didn't really have anything to lose, and I guess I just do that sometimes. I ain't scared. I don't know why that would have an effect on anything anyone else was doing, but I guess it gives them an excuse.

Dan you weren't anywhere near comfortable doing the advanced course. You didn't even come close to linking it. Watching you drive made me wanna wreck my car worse without wearing a seatbelt. Just because I know you can normally drive pretty normal.

Congrats to Brett for actually not sucking.

I honestly felt really bad for the spectators that night. I'm sure most of those people now hate drifting, and will never go to an event again. WHY did the flier say 3-10? Shouldn't it have said something like "gates open at 3, competition starts at 6" or something like that? Think about not really knowing anything about drifting, then going to Desoto, sitting in the cold, and watching solo drivers in the infield for 7 hrs. No wonder everyone left before the competiton even started:( :( :(

Once again proof that formal competitions don't work on a small scale like this. It ruins everything. It's not fun, it's boring to watch, etc.

On that note, I bet most of the drivers that don't normally come to Desoto, will probably not ever wanna go again. Hopefully not though.

I have plans for a REALLY fun event though :) :) :) An event that won't suck. If you know me, than you know I like to have fun, and hate stuff that isn't fun. SOOO bring smiles :D I'll keep everyone informed, but it won't be for a while.

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holy crap at this thread.

So I was careless and stupid and wrecked first run. I drove that way because I was driving an already totalled car so I didn't really have anything to lose, and I guess I just do that sometimes. I ain't scared. I don't know why that would have an effect on anything anyone else was doing, but I guess it gives them an excuse.

Dan you weren't anywhere near comfortable doing the advanced course. You didn't even come close to linking it. Watching you drive made me wanna wreck my car worse without wearing a seatbelt. Just because I know you can normally drive pretty normal.

Congrats to Brett for actually not sucking.

I honestly felt really bad for the spectators that night. I'm sure most of those people now hate drifting, and will never go to an event again. WHY did the flier say 3-10? Shouldn't it have said something like "gates open at 3, competition starts at 6" or something like that? Think about not really knowing anything about drifting, then going to Desoto, sitting in the cold, and watching solo drivers in the infield for 7 hrs. No wonder everyone left before the competiton even started:( :( :(

Once again proof that formal competitions don't work on a small scale like this. It ruins everything. It's not fun, it's boring to watch, etc.

On that note, I bet most of the drivers that don't normally come to Desoto, will probably not ever wanna go again. Hopefully not though.

I have plans for a REALLY fun event though :) :) :) An event that won't suck. If you know me, than you know I like to have fun, and hate stuff that isn't fun. SOOO bring smiles :D I'll keep everyone informed, but it won't be for a while.


sounds legitimate.

and yea, brett you absolutely shred, and youre car is a mother fucken boss. and i know i still owe you lunch ;)
i know i never showed confidence on the bank. i drove real bad. car is different and i didnt feel all that well.

the point is that i just wanted to post more.

i always blow it in any competition- but i always have a bunch of fun.
first, I need to set record straight...
i didnt hit the wall... i was parked and that shit came at me.

second, im lying

third, the professionalism -of the non professional event- was about on par for what i expected. its desoto. worst part for me looking at it from a drivers POV was lack of runs, I know how we can fix that but cant do it till next time.

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the wall came at you hahahhaha thats good shit :D :bigthumbu

dude i dont even care it was what ever guys at least 102.5 was playing some good shit becuase i was jamming the fuck out in my car..

holy crap at this thread.

So I was careless and stupid and wrecked first run. I drove that way because I was driving an already totalled car so I didn't really have anything to lose, and I guess I just do that sometimes. I ain't scared. I don't know why that would have an effect on anything anyone else was doing, but I guess it gives them an excuse.

Dan you weren't anywhere near comfortable doing the advanced course. You didn't even come close to linking it. Watching you drive made me wanna wreck my car worse without wearing a seatbelt. Just because I know you can normally drive pretty normal.

Congrats to Brett for actually not sucking.

I honestly felt really bad for the spectators that night. I'm sure most of those people now hate drifting, and will never go to an event again. WHY did the flier say 3-10? Shouldn't it have said something like "gates open at 3, competition starts at 6" or something like that? Think about not really knowing anything about drifting, then going to Desoto, sitting in the cold, and watching solo drivers in the infield for 7 hrs. No wonder everyone left before the competiton even started:( :( :(

Once again proof that formal competitions don't work on a small scale like this. It ruins everything. It's not fun, it's boring to watch, etc.

On that note, I bet most of the drivers that don't normally come to Desoto, will probably not ever wanna go again. Hopefully not though.

I have plans for a REALLY fun event though :) :) :) An event that won't suck. If you know me, than you know I like to have fun, and hate stuff that isn't fun. SOOO bring smiles :D I'll keep everyone informed, but it won't be for a while.


i agree with you.. i tried to make the best of it really... it was cool to see 2 of my friends that havent done much drifting in like a year go out and slide the track for there first time and they actually did pretty well... as for the flyer goes.. i was just told what to put on there soo as far as the info thats not me lol.... i will come to other events and just because saturday was shit and a half wont stop me and should not stop others from coming out.. the next time around i think the people who plan it should not do it all last min to avoid the confusion.. if this was planed like 2 months in advanvce not just talked about it would have most likely gone way smoother then it did.. i know lots of people where upset and everyone who can normaly go out there and do descent work did crappy but stop dwelling on it its 2 days in the past now and the only thing you can blame is yourself and the weather really it was not desotos fault people did bad... soo suck it up and try again... brett did an awesome job esp for not driving in soo god damn long soo if your gona bitch about it then stop talking on here and go talk to your parents about it becuase im sure they would prolly care alittle more then people on here do... anyways fuck it its done with...

any word if we are doing an open pratice here again or what..?? i dont want desoto to go away. that should be the most of our worries
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i agree with you.. i tried to make the best of it really... it was cool to see 2 of my friends that havent done much drifting in like a year go out and slide the track for there first time and they actually did pretty well... as for the flyer goes.. i was just told what to put on there soo as far as the info thats not me lol.... i will come to other events and just because saturday was shit and a half wont stop me and should not stop others from coming out.. the next time around i think the people who plan it should not do it all last min to avoid the confusion.. if this was planed like 2 months in advanvce not just talked about it would have most likely gone way smoother then it did.. i know lots of people where upset and everyone who can normaly go out there and do descent work did crappy but stop dwelling on it its 2 days in the past now and the only thing you can blame is yourself and the weather really it was not desotos fault people did bad... soo suck it up and try again... brett did an awesome job esp for not driving in soo god damn long soo if your gona bitch about it then stop talking on here and go talk to your parents about it becuase im sure they would prolly care alittle more then people on here do... anyways fuck it its done with...

any word if we are doing an open pratice here again or what..?? i dont want desoto to go away. that should be the most of our worries

I like where you're coming from bro.

and yeah whens the next practice???
for real tho desoto may be a shitty track but its still home for some people id rather see more events then talk about one shitty one imo.. everyone needs some smiles for sure... i know mcdonalds gives them out for free just ask.
I wish CFRC would throw some day or saturday events still. Especially if they open up that 'new' area to drifitng in 2010.
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