-D E S O T O __ D R I F T- Dec 5th 2009

YouTube- BlackZenki82 first drift event at Orlando Speed World

there ya go, uncut, full of fail ready to go... i cut and splice the videos now to showcase what i can do, no one wants to watch a 5-6 minute vid of spin outs and sorry ass slides...

i know how you talk, i used to go to those meets, remember?

i don't need to justify myself anymore, I've gotten decent, not super legit, in past few events, with no street practice, and i'm proud of what i've learned...

let's stop cluttering up this thread, it's for the event, not our little arguements... we'll continue it on the NICO thread LOL

it does piss me off that i spun out more at this event, than i have in all my events combined LOL
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Just shut the fuck up and stop being a dick. your too busy being on house arrest and on probation for being at meets to listen to me talk about how "good" I am. I dont say anything of the sort of me being a good driver. I'm always saying that i suck and that I hit things.

your immature for mentioning, the house arrest and shit, first of all. :lame:

And remember when i first met you and you were talking shit to me about how u were better than i was? that time i did that big slide at the car meet parking lot...i know you do. You said all that shit but still wouldnt throw down and back up your word. i am by no means a great drifter, this is not what i am trying to say. Just watch how you come off to people because I know you are nicer than you come off, so watch it sometimes.
Also, not to pick sides but the poor track conditions were largely your fault for pushing and spinning into puddles that nobody else seemed to hit, causing wet marks on the first sweeper (can i get a witness marshall). Im not hating on you, but Marshall is a friend of mine too and ur not gonna talk shit like that unnecessarily.

on to what i would like to say about the day.

i feel that the conditions of the track throughout the day were less than ideal causing alot of us to do less than satisfactorily, the comp again was a joke, as was my own driving. but hey, thats what happens sometimes so lets all keep drifting
thanks mars for the pix and my suck ass video lmao!!!! man i sucked yesturday. period end of story!

oh and congrats to the drivers who won. btw Applebees was good times!
your immature for mentioning, the house arrest and shit, first of all. :lame:

And remember when i first met you and you were talking shit to me about how u were better than i was? that time i did that big slide at the car meet parking lot...i know you do. You said all that shit but still wouldnt throw down and back up your word. i am by no means a great drifter, this is not what i am trying to say. Just watch how you come off to people because I know you are nicer than you come off, so watch it sometimes.
Also, not to pick sides but the poor track conditions were largely your fault for pushing and spinning into puddles that nobody else seemed to hit, causing wet marks on the first sweeper (can i get a witness marshall). Im not hating on you, but Marshall is a friend of mine too and ur not gonna talk shit like that unnecessarily.

on to what i would like to say about the day.

i feel that the conditions of the track throughout the day were less than ideal causing alot of us to do less than satisfactorily, the comp again was a joke, as was my own driving. but hey, thats what happens sometimes so lets all keep drifting

I dont remember you ever doing any sort of slide in a parking lot. I only remember bryant doing it once, but if you did, and i did say something. I was probably saying it was dumb to be doing it there because the cops are always around. and bryant got caught for doing his that night, so yea, I have no idea what youre talking about. considering it was over a year ago. yea, I have no idea.

I did spin out at the beginning of my very first run in that water spot. I knew I would. I didnt know how much I would need to get the car sideways cuz i had never drifted it and its been a year, so i thought I would just go ahead and go for it. and see how it went and adjust from there. Too bad my first run wasnt till about 7pm. I didnt get to drive till the second group practice runs after the drivers meeting. yall were there for the practice at 3 and were in group 1. so the reason that water was there wasnt because of me. sorry to burst your blaming bubble.

I'm not a bitch. I just get very defensive.
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i have alot to say about this event but dont want to come off as a prick. i had a good time but also kinda weirded out by some things...
just stop. bottom line yesterday was a horrible day to have an event.. it was cold/wet not really good conditions to be sliding in if id say... i saw alot of people trying to warm up their tires just soo shit worked good. like i said before.. i saw alot of the usual's that go there that have put in there "HARD WORK' & "DEDICATION" also there "TIME AND MONEY" to do this and did poorly.. but every other time they go there they fucking ripp it upp.. im sure some people choked under pressure. but not everyone was having the best night.. jlowe,box and many other people where fucking up... im not super good or anything but ive had more then a year experience that this track and ive never really had a problem connecting the middle or anything.. im sorry but on the DESOTO argument i completely agree with Marshall... just my $50.02
on to what i would like to say about the day.

i feel that the conditions of the track throughout the day were less than ideal causing alot of us to do less than satisfactorily, the comp again was a joke, as was my own driving. but hey, thats what happens sometimes so lets all keep drifting

and your thoughts on the event were spot on, although i don't think it was a joke, but some things were a little excessive for what it was...

wish i would have done better, can't wait for the next event!!! kinda sucks there's nothing local *cough cough Ter Tech gainesville cough cough*

anyone wanna makeout?

i have a 11" minimum, if you fill the requirement, let's do this.

yea some cool guy called me on on TR already lol

wtf? LOL

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I agree on the conditions being less than ideal. But I enjoyed the experience of trying to compensate for the different conditions. I just dont think that complaining about it is going to get anyone anywhere. you paid your money, you went out and drove, its over. Just take what you learned and move on. yes, many people were off their game. that doesnt mean it was a useless practice session.
I agree on the conditions being less than ideal. But I enjoyed the experience of trying to compensate for the different conditions.

+1 as much of an aggravation as it was, i did learn a bit, and got a little better as the night went on... my last qualifying run for example, i knucked up and just tried to remember where the slippery spots where and what to do when i got to em, and rode out... so i did come away with something LOL

and track conditions aren't the only thing people are griping about... i know some people packed up and left before qualifying runs even finished because of other reasons besides the track...

but it's alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll good, time to start saving/planning for the next one.. spent the last bit of my car budget to make this event, so i gotta start selling and stacking for the next event.
hahah either way i dont care it was ok i enjoyed seeing my friends who spent alot of time into there cars and to my friends who never drive before do work.. either way it was still shitty but next pratice or what ever ill fuck it up..
look this shit is taking a different turn that needed.

points are:
track condition sucked and were hard to do well on
people that couldve drove adv/wanted to didnt do it for various reasons.
comps are for fun at this level, not for proving yourself.
dont worry about being beat by better drivers, worry about being beaten by yourself/own mind/mistakes.
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