-D E S O T O __ D R I F T- Dec 5th 2009

hahahaha me too!

my car is a lot different and i just finished putting it together yesterday.

my first bank attemps were real weak. i was unsure of my car and jeremys wreck scared me. i start to feel pumped on running that layout.

then i drove the beginner course and i just couldnt handle it. haha i hate mud.

i had a so much fun and the car has never ran so good.

applebees was good.

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lots of fun tonight, good variety of drivers and cars. Cant wait for the next one! Thanks to the sponsors for the gifts and to everyone who put the event together it was a blast!
tonite was fun but i did really bad lol ive never drove that track that bad.... i saw alot of the regulars doing pretty bad and everytime i see them there they kill it.. i think alot of it had to do with the weather noone really had a good chance to get there tires warm soo it wasint working out to well also most of the time when someone touched a little bit of the water it was game over... but for the most part i had an ok time. just not my best i can do just a little disapointed on thatt but booze and pizza after words and 3 hrs of sleeping on a hardwood floor fixed all of that.
I didn't really mind the track conditions. its just something to practice on and make you better. I just wish I had gotten more than 4 runs.. and my last 2 runs I couldnt even see through my windshield because my number got smeared across :( ohhh welllll. still had a good time besides the freezing two and a half hour drive home with no heat. heh. :)

So was this the last desoto event or will there be more?
so the driving conditions weren't great. so what. its still practice. gotta learn how to drive in all kinds of conditions. Its not always going to be a perfect track. It was my first time drifting my zenki, but i feel like i did really well as far as getting used to the car and dealing with the track. Even though I know I sucked, I didnt let the fact that a puddle of water made me spin out get to me. I just tried to correct it next time.

Dont be a cry baby. Theres always another event.
Dont be a cry baby.

it sounded all organized, and well laid and thought out, till we (my caravan) got there... after box, and jeremy walled, everything kinda went haywire, bill, box, and the crew did a good job of putting it back together tho, and over all, i DID have a good time....

congrats to the winners, excellent driving guys!!

and even though it seemed no one was having a good night, it was still a good showing, and thanks to everyone for making it happen!!

can't wait for the next one!

and Mars, great pics as always!!!
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brett and ben and dan and charlie I think ALL WANTED to do the ADVANCED course but we simply didnt have the 'need' to run a 4 person competition or really the time. Don't feel bad if you lose to a good driver, thats what they are supposed to do is win.

Whats the point of being the best of the bad? Don't get caught up with competition so much, there is much more to worry about before you worry that someone better than you is running the same class because until you are the world champion, its always going to be someone better running against you.

everyone had to deal with the same issues, I know trailering cost sucks, try doing it to LA only to have your car broken and not know it till your trying to drive it. no one forces you to have a trailer^^

relax and focus on what you didnt do right that you can now work on rather than who you were up against. in other words, compete against yourself and you'll know if you won or lost.
The driving conditions sucked but overall did okay.
I was all down for doing advanced course, but the got spooked when Jeremy hit the wall and said EFFF THAT. Then Box hit, then it was DOUBLE EFF that.
After changing the tire setup, and lowering the air pressure I did pretty good runs.

Marshall stop being a crybaby. Its a competition, get over it. Everyone chokes sometime, my first drift event I drove the course and didnt even know the course layout lol.. shit happens. Get over it.

Thanks Box for the advice about nailing one good run and working on the second run..oh and sorry for Backfiring in your face... mah bad :X <3

Thanks Jen and all the sponsors who put this on, you guys came through ten-fold.
ugh... i'm not crybabying LOL...

I'm more pissed off at myself than anything, just expressing my opinions of the track, conditions, organization etc... and i could care less about the money really, i just really wanted to put the skills i've accrued over the past 4-5 events to the test, and i couldn't cause i was driving like complete shit, and couldn't lock anything down... and that got me pissed to no end, probably the reason why i was continuing to drive like ass LOL

box, as far as your "best of the bad" comment, i kinda thought that's what the begginer class was all about...

i was just mentioning some of the lesser points of the night is all, maybe to help with improvements for future events... my $.02 and all... and some of my points are the same talk that was rolling around the pit area between drivers and stuff.
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I'm not being a cry baby, i drove like shit at the comp, and I've been getting really good at desoto, so it was pissing me off that i was driving like you...

yea, um, fuck you. youre not that good. I'm glad that you are (supposedly) able to drive your super awesome SR zenki that youve been driving for quite a while now, better than I drove my KA zenki for the first four times (oh, and dont forget I was fucking up because of the track! pshhhh).

And I'm sorry that you had to blame your sucky driving on the track. suck it up and just say you'll do better next time. For real, saying I suck doesnt make you look any better. It just makes you look like an asshole. I don't know what your problem with me is, but shut the fuck up already.
Just shut the fuck up and stop being a dick. your too busy being on house arrest and on probation for being at meets to listen to me talk about how "good" I am. I dont say anything of the sort of me being a good driver. I'm always saying that i suck and that I hit things. Obviously, since I totaled a car into the osw wall almost exactly a year ago. This was my first time drifting since then, in my new car. I'm by no means good, but I dont suck as bad as youre trying to say I do compared to you.

you "called me out" on something I dont do. You however, go around saying you you "killed it" (nice save in your last post btw) and yet all the videos you post are cut up and spliced so you look better than you are. try posting some full runs without all the fancy hardparking between segments where you stand next to your car trying to look like a badass with your arms crossed as the camera moves by. i mean seriously? youre not some movie star. if you want people to see you drive, just post up your runs without all the gay editing. maybe add a good song to distract from your suckiness.

get over yourself. I call you a crybaby, you call me a bad driver. dont be a hypocrite. learn how to drive in less then ideal conditions with out getting Oh so nervous! and then start talking shit about me. until then, get over yourself. you suck, I suck, and the world keeps spinning.
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