Cops hate....

I've met a few cool cops (guys I used to ride with)
They also would take advantage of their Jobs to speed and shit. (numerous times pulled over on rides, flash badge, back on our way)
I've been robbed at gun point, cops showed up 30 mins later.
I've had waaaay too many bad experiences with cops in the past to like them.
Quick example, I used to have a CBR900 that I turned into a street fighter ( no fairings, round head lights, chopped tail )
I had many cops come up to me in the grove or on the beach and ask me about my bike and talk about shit etc cool regular guys.
One night, I was outside a bar in downtown on my phone, when a police officer walked over to me and asked me if it was my bike I was standing next to on the sidewalk (while on the phone how rude) and I said yes and he asked me to hang up etc. He began to tell me that I was riding an "illegally" modified motorcycle. LOL
I happen to know my rights and the statues on motorcycles and you DO NOT need turn signals or BOTH MIRRORS ( you are required to have the left mirror WHICH I DID ) He also began to tell me that removing the fairings was illegal and shit. Needless to say he asked to see my license (ding ding ILLEGAL) I was not riding / driving / committing any illegal acts / fitting the profile of a person who recently committed a crime near by (because the nature of the conversation in the first place was bout my BIKE)
So all in all, guy DETAINED ME for refusing to give him my ID and about 30 mins later he let me go after checking out all my paper work, searching my backpack pretty much violating my 4th amendment completely ( I might be wrong on this, considering I refused to give him my identification?). I would also like to add that while I was being detained, the street I was on is a one way street ( like most in downtown ) and some guy in a subaru drove down the wrong way with his lights off blasting music obviously probably drunk, and none of the goons did anything but yell "HEY YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY TURN AROUND AND TURN YOUR LIGHTS ON". They're getting paid anyways, so why would they bother? Cops take advantage of their power all the time and thats life, deal with it. Most of these guys are losers that didn't so shit with life and just joined the force. Just how they fuck with you with tickets, take them to court and beat it, they hate going to court and if they get beat its even more shit rubbed in their face.
I would just like to add that I dont HATE cops, I just very much dislike a lot of them thanks to this stigma these winners give them.

Thread Re-cap
1.) Take this shit to court
2.) If you know you're rolling around with ILLEGAL shit on your car (which is left up to the discretion of an officer which could mean anything!) then don't get mad when you get pulled over.
3.) Most of these stupid charges (tints, exhaust etc) will get thrown out if you just show that you "fixed" it.
4.) A lot of cops suck
5.) And according to ofc dangle, if a cop wants to pull you over for something, just run!! apparently they won't chase you??? LOL bullshit, I've had a piggy actually try to chase me on my bike.....and he wouldnt give up. Until I hit 95 and disappeared =) *jk, all of that was computer simulated and did not happen in real life. All these statements are not to be held against the poster under my first amendment right.* LOL

BTW are there any cops on here? or ex cops that can actually shed some REAL information. Not sure if Ofc Dangle is either? clarification pls? Just trying to get shit straight from the horses mouth.
Yea I'm going to either take it to court or have my boss take care of it. And yea from what I understand, when you get your licensee and sign the paper or w/e you give away basically all of your rights that involve vehicles. Same thing when you're drunk and refuse to take the tests you can be arrested for refusing. Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but I think that's it
planning on doin 130mph on I-95 SB today after work since technically cops wont chase me thnx Ofc. Dangle my commute just got that much better

They'll probably be busy harrassing TonyMac for his tints :)
lmao NOOO!!!

Funny I actually did get pulled over for tint in the 240 about a year ago. I laughed at how stupid that cop was...i have some 1990's installed tint that is so obviously not illegal (and purple) that you'd have to be a complete retard or a profiling ass fuck to think otherwise. But since cops don't profile imports, he must have been stupid.
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