Cops hate....

I am not on a high horse I am just logical.

I disagree and see no logic in denying an obvious fact. Every thread with a person venting about cops gets trainwrecked with this stuff too. Im glad you take pride in the police and your work - I tend to have bad experiences with the police so yeah, fuck em.
1. FHP is generally obnoxious
2. Florida pursuit laws won't allow you to chase someone for a crime that is not violent.
3. Your putting other people's life in danger to chase some guy who is already flying so lets add a second car going that speed to the equation.
Unfortunately we don't have machines that allow us to know when and where crimes are happening. So reactionary Police is the way things are done now.

I am not on a high horse I am just logical.

So what you're saying is that because the Vette was doing 105mph the cop didn't chase him because he didn't have to? How the hell does this statment make sense?... So I'm driving minding my own business that same Vette hits my car and my 7 yr old is hurt in the process and then im told that FHP didn't chase him pull him over before the reck because they didn't have to? Thats bullshit to say the least. I have nothing against cops and I usually stay out of threads like this but if these reasons are true as to why Tonymac got pulled over for tints instead of that fucking cop doing his job, then I say Fuck the police as well.

For you to say that the guy was speeding but didn't commit a violent crime YET or that he would be putting other lives in danger doesn't make sense. Soooo if I go into a crowd of people and start swinging a bat at random but don't hit anyone, does this mean that I won't get tackled by 5 cops? This is what you're when you don't put doing 105mph in a 55-70mph zone as not being a violent crime. The Vette doing 10 over I understand but 35-50mph over is just plain asking to kill someone. That cop was just being lazy plain and simple and he should have stayed his stupid ass under that bridge if he was going to stop someone for tints...

On that note I don't think you're on a highhorse and I do understand that laws are there for a reason. But stating these reasons as why Tonymac got stopped and the Vette didn't when clearly the Vette was a danger to everyone on the expressway is bullshit and if this is true, then Cops all deserve the hate they get.
if you read what you quoted it says right there that you are not allowed by Florida policies to chase someone that doesnt commit a forcible felony (such as robberies, homocide) wreckless driving is dangerous but not grounds to chase. a supervisor will stop you from chasing if it is not for those reasons.

---------- Post added at 08:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understood that they aren't supposed to continue a pursuit if it will put peoples lives in danger? Something along those lines? Although all of this is totally irrelevant to my reason for starting this thread lol

pretty much unless it is a forcible felony. if you continue to chase him the chances of him stopping are slim to none. we dont make the laws some dingleberry who makes 6 digits a year does we just have the pleasure of enforcing them as part of our job.
And again I say that it's stupid. What if that same person causes a 10 car pile up? How is that protecting and serving? Attempting to stop the speeder doesn't exactly mean that it will turn into a highspeed chase. If it does then, guess what? Maybe going after the speeder and not the guy with 5% tint might have been the right idea. When people run they have a reason to run, plain and simple. No one runs for no reason... This is a rule that cops live by am I correct?

Regardless im not saying that im on either side. I just feel that this makes zero sense when you consider that the guy in the vette could have just killed his family, taken a child or any other of the hundeds of terrible things you see on the news everyday. I don't see a guy with 5% tint as a threat unless he's a drug dealer. And drug dealers tend to kill each other alot more then rendom people.
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if you read what you quoted it says right there that you are not allowed by Florida policies to chase someone that doesnt commit a forcible felony (such as robberies, homocide) wreckless driving is dangerous but not grounds to chase. a supervisor will stop you from chasing if it is not for those reasons.

The word chase is not appropriate. Pull over. Go after. Whatever nomenclature suits you.
And again I say that it's stupid. What if that same person causes a 10 car pile up? How is that protecting and serving? Attempting to stop the speeder doesn't exactly mean that it will turn into a highspeed chase. If it does then, guess what? Maybe going after the speeder and not the guy with 5% tint might have been the right idea. When people run they have a reason to run, plain and simple. No one runs for no reason... This is a rule that cops live by am I correct?

Regardless im not saying that im on either side. I just feel that this makes zero sense when you consider that the guy in the vette could have just killed his family, taken a child or any other of the hundeds of terrible things you see on the news everyday. I don't see a guy with 5% tint as a threat unless he's a drug dealer. And drug dealers tend to kill each other alot more then rendom people.

I totally agree with everything this guy is saying
And again I say that it's stupid. What if that same person causes a 10 car pile up? How is that protecting and serving? Attempting to stop the speeder doesn't exactly mean that it will turn into a highspeed chase. If it does then, guess what? Maybe going after the speeder and not the guy with 5% tint might have been the right idea. When people run they have a reason to run, plain and simple. No one runs for no reason... This is a rule that cops live by am I correct?

Regardless im not saying that im on either side. I just feel that this makes zero sense when you consider that the guy in the vette could have just killed his family, taken a child or any other of the hundeds of terrible things you see on the news everyday. I don't see a guy with 5% tint as a threat unless he's a drug dealer. And drug dealers tend to kill each other alot more then rendom people.

I agree that nobody runs for no reason but unfortunately that is what in police work is called a hunch, gut feeling or mere suspicion. In order to chase we need to have probable cause to arrest (we didn't make the rules we just have to follow them). Its fine and dandy that you say the guy killed his entire family and now he is running from the Police but we have no concrete evidence that he did those things. If we happen to pursue him and we crash into an innocent person and kill them because the guy was running for a traffic violation then that person's family will turn around and sue the department and win tons of money. Police work is still a business as much as people want to think we are some force that is untouchable we still have people that are above us and we have to follow the rules that those people make. I am not saying the system is right because it isn't. The people that are making the rules have never been on the streets dealing with what most people deal with on a daily basis they are looking at statistics and Monday Night Quarterbacking every situation just like we are in this thread.
I daily drove my black car for like at least a year with the same exhaust it has now. Only got one ticket haha.
for all those stuck on this corvette story....

imagine the fhp did give pursuit, and the guy decides to vamp it up even more! no average cruiser is keeping up with it anyway... so shut the fuck up about it... there are many more cases that you could better represent the "harassment" with than this one! and tony it sucks but it happens!
all you saying fuck the police, but in reality, if someone hits your car and begins to run, you will want a cop there..
or if someone kidnaps your family you will want the police there.
or if someone breaks into your house and steals all your shit you will want cops there...
or if someone...... you get where im going with this, police officers are a part of life and will never go away.
they obviously hate stupid kids with stupid loud exhausts.... they hate street racing, and well i will bet that they hate having people be rude to them... so next time you get pulled over kiss the guys ass or take the ticket, said and done! you need law enforcement so stop doing illegal shit or shut up and take it!
all you saying fuck the police, but in reality, if someone hits your car and begins to run, you will want a cop there..
or if someone kidnaps your family you will want the police there.
or if someone breaks into your house and steals all your shit you will want cops there...
or if someone...... you get where im going with this, police officers are a part of life and will never go away.
they obviously hate stupid kids with stupid loud exhausts.... they hate street racing, and well i will bet that they hate having people be rude to them... so next time you get pulled over kiss the guys ass or take the ticket, said and done! you need law enforcement so stop doing illegal shit or shut up and take it!

and thats exactly the point..

cops should be dealing with that shit not pulling someone over because of fucking tints..

what if the guy in the vette had just committed one of those crimes you mentioned and the cop just let him go.

I respect cops, but most are fucking dicks who take advantage. The POLICE are fucking people just like anyone else. They aren't fucking special in anyway other than a badge. Meaning there are cops who are dicks, take advantage of you, are lazy, do drugs, hurt people just because they feel like it, etc..

So don't take this as a "fuck the police" post, I'm just stating the truth. I myself am in school right now for criminal justice.
all you saying fuck the police, but in reality, if someone hits your car and begins to run, you will want a cop there..
or if someone kidnaps your family you will want the police there.
or if someone breaks into your house and steals all your shit you will want cops there...
or if someone...... you get where im going with this, police officers are a part of life and will never go away.
they obviously hate stupid kids with stupid loud exhausts.... they hate street racing, and well i will bet that they hate having people be rude to them... so next time you get pulled over kiss the guys ass or take the ticket, said and done! you need law enforcement so stop doing illegal shit or shut up and take it!

Lol, when have cops ever helped in any of those situations? the ppl who had their family kidnapped, kids/adults/w/e 95.8% victims are found dead, then it takes them weeks to get any results(finding the killer)! ppl get robbed every day and when do cops find anything? pfft, NEVER.. name an instance where you personally know someone who was robbed and had their shit returned by the cops? I can name off the top of my head at least 10 ppl I know who have been robbed and the cops have a report on file for years with NO PROGRESS. You dont need law enforcement, you need guns. fuck the police.

The problem is we have more pigs on the force then real cops.. PIGS = FHP, 99% of BSO, all those pigs who concerned with meeting their quota for the month... when it is the end of the month make sure your not riding dirty cause they pull ppl over just to see what they can give you a ticket for. Fight all those tickets, unless you pissed that pig off, they generally dont bother to show up to court, the cases gets dismissed, its a numbers game. why waste time in court when they can be out setting up a speed trap and ticketing more ppl? for every person that fights a ticket and gets it dismissed theirs 5 ppl that will just pay it and move on. Like Dangle said, its a business.
Ok, I'm not going to read 6 pages of posts. But here's what I did AND it was a ticket from a coral springs cop.
-take it to court
-say not guilty
- the judge looks at you and laughs that your there for an exhaust
-you pull some shit out of your ass... say its all stock except for the tip, you bought the car for $500 like that, and it will cost more than that to get a stock exhaust on it, and your a broke student just trying to go to school and work
-most likely you will get it dismissed
*and just leave the paper that says dismissed in your car, so from then on whenever you get pulled over for a "loud/modified exhaust" you show the cop and he gets mad and says get out of here or writes you another ticket for something else lol*
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