Circumcision is BULLSH!T

haha, ok. Here's an interesting point of view for you guys. I personally prefer circumcised but at the same time, it can be annoying when just messing around and you dont have lube or lotion handy. And also, an uncircumcised penis isnt exactly unattractive, i mean, its still a penis.

This one guy i was with at one point was kinda in the middle. he was circumcised, but he still had a little extra skin so he got the best of both worlds. not a bunch of extra skin to be unattractive, but also enough so that he doesnt really need lotion or anything when jacking off.

I just think it is a personal decision for the parents to make. obviously you can get circumcised at a later age if you are not and you choose to, and you can grow the skin back out if you are circumcised and dont enjoy it. its all personal decision.
main reason,being circumsized,makes it much much easier on the boy and the parent.i didnt have to pull his skin back,and now he doesnt have to worry about having an dirty dick(which face it little boys dont take intense showers)hes 3yrs old btw.

Um the foreskin is naturally attached to the glans (tip) until puberty normally anyway. When they perform a circumcision they have to TEAR the foreskin away from the membrane of the glans. In some cases it rips and leaves a noticable scar on the glans.

So you wouldnt have to clean your sons dick. And by the time he would need to, any responsible parent should have taught their child good hygiene techniques.

also i dont want my son coming home crying saying 'daddy i pulled out my dick and the girls started laughing and said it looks like an elephant trunk'.

Are you fucking serious?? The rate is 60/40 so by the time a girl has been with 3 guys, chances are she has seen it before anyway.

Also he shouldnt be getting laid til at least like 13-14, and if you havent taught him by then to be proud of who he is and not let other people put him down.... well then you would be a piss-poor parent.

and im very sorry but i dont see how the fuck this would make your dick smaller,they cut the skin around your head.not your head!

The scar tissue and the loss of that extra skin can restrict the growth, but normally it just pulls more skin from your pelvic area to compensate

besides last and foremost its a proven fact at my age a female rather see a clean circumsized guys its been proven too me over and over again.

Do you really give a fuck what some girl would rather see??? As far as I'm concerned its my body, fuck what some shallow chick would prefer. How bout if I prefer circumcised women??? You gonna do that to your daughter???

Yea I didnt think so... it's a double fucking standard and because of people like you, guys will continue to be subjected to involuntary removal of part of their penis.

I just think it is a personal decision for the parents to make. obviously you can get circumcised at a later age if you are not and you choose to, and you can grow the skin back out if you are circumcised and dont enjoy it. its all personal decision.

Honestly it isn't not a decision for the parents. Unless the parents are also allowed to have their infants fingernails removed for asthetic purposes, or any other medically unnecessary operation. It's a matter of human rights and being allowed to choose for yourself if you want part of your dick.

Also the parents should be presented with proper information concerning the function of the foreskin, HUMANS ARE NOT BORN WITH UNNECESSARY EQUIPMENT. They should be charged for the medical procedure, and told that it is medically unnecessary, and also cautioned that circumcised men use condoms at a much lower rate due to loss of sensitivity.

Lastly, any woman that wants her son to be circumcised based on 'it looks better' should be pistol whipped by Chuck Liddell
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Its an even game we have to get circumcisions done, and chicks have a basketball sized baby comming out of there vags. One thing is different chicks can decide weather to have the baby or not.
Its an even game we have to get circumcisions done, and chicks have a basketball sized baby comming out of there vags. One thing is different chicks can decide weather to have the baby or not.

Well if I ever have a son, he will be the one deciding whether to chop part of his dick off or not.

And if he whips it out and some girl says ewww, I will have already explained to him the cock-slap technique!
you say parental-decided circumcision is a violation of a beings right and that they should decide themselves when they grow older, but it seems as if everyone here doesnt really care whether or not they were circumcised. everyones just fine with the way they are because thats the only way they've been, its a moot point. is the grass really greener on the other side? who knows...
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And if he whips it out and some girl says ewww, I will have already explained to him the cock-slap technique!

That's where the foreskin is most useful. It helps if she is kinda far, and then the G forces of the swinging motion stretch his foreskin out to hit her in the face.

BTW, I love being uncut.:bigthumbu
[ obviously you can get circumcised at a later age if you are not and you choose to, and you can grow the skin back out if you are circumcised and dont enjoy it. its all personal decision.

CAN YOU :ugh::ugh: lol i had the idea it doesnt grow lol....but i wouldnt know if you get me :rolleyes: lol
^^ You need a special tool on your dick and it allows the skin to stretch back out.

Mmmm yummy..

But yea, heres the tool...

So in the end, it's kinda reversable.
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Jesus Fucking Christ


im a grow-er not a show-er :mad:

*high fives* OMGME2!!!

haha, ok. Here's an interesting point of view for you guys. I personally prefer circumcised but at the same time, it can be annoying when just messing around and you dont have lube or lotion handy. And also, an uncircumcised penis isnt exactly unattractive, i mean, its still a penis.

This one guy i was with at one point was kinda in the middle. he was circumcised, but he still had a little extra skin so he got the best of both worlds. not a bunch of extra skin to be unattractive, but also enough so that he doesnt really need lotion or anything when jacking off.

I just think it is a personal decision for the parents to make. obviously you can get circumcised at a later age if you are not and you choose to, and you can grow the skin back out if you are circumcised and dont enjoy it. its all personal decision.

im cut and perfer masturbating dry. really the only way i like it to be honest. and the wife <3's my mushroom head!

CAN YOU :ugh::ugh: lol i had the idea it doesnt grow lol....but i wouldnt know if you get me :rolleyes: lol

i was gonna ask this as well.....28 years old and my foreskin has never grown back lol! we arent lizards damnit
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