Circumcision is BULLSH!T

My penis tingles from seeing that. Ohhh the pain I've been through!! I can feel it again!!
omg, why are people talking about this...?

Why not??? You don't find it amazing that in a supposedly civilized modern developed nation we regularly practice such a ridiculous ancient ritual of mutilation on on humans?? Especially ones who can't decide if they want that body part for themselves....

Removing the clitoral hood of newborn females would be the anatomical equivalent and you KNOW FOR A FACT that would not be tolerated if someone suggested it today. So why is MALE MUTILATION accepted?

It's nothing but myths and lies that support a profitable industry.

Cleaner?? Yea well your hands smell too if you don't wash them, maybe we should cut newborns hands off too....

Less STD's??? Right, well ask a circumcised guy how good sex feels with a condom. I promise you circumcised guys use condoms 25-50% less than un-circ just to make up for the lack of sensation.

sean are you just jealous that circumcised guys use there penis more?

Bitch I'm circumcised. They say it takes some length off too.... so maybe I coulda reached 3inches if I wasnt.... damn that rabbi..

im not cut but if i had the option i would probly get cut because it give more stamina less sensitive

Well look at it this way, you can put on a condom and feel what it's like for the rest of us. Now if you wanna know what I feel when I put on a rubber, put on like 5 of them... yup, might as well be fucking a folded pillow

No im not kidding

im sorry but no smegma on my dick ahthankyou

So I guess you don't shower? You can go to Africa to find yourself a girl who has been circumcised also
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