CFRC Black Friday pictures

Sorry for the quality, I'm not proud but I did my best.
Those of you that were there know that the lighting still wasn't very fantastic for photos.
I don't have everyone either, I gave up after the first of each run group.
Shooting at iso 1600 sucks, maybe I'll get a new lens for Christmas.
Hey Pat... ;)





the rest: [ame=""]CFRC Black Friday - a set on Flickr[/ame]
sweet pics looks pretty awesome. Did zoltan sr. finally build himself a car? Or is that a spare for zoli??

lol at ice water dealy.
^ true, good for night shooting. Either that or get a Prime with a longer focal length like a 85mm or 100mm for night drifting since those will give you better framing than the 50mm will for sports and shit. Zoom's with big apertures are expensive as hell.
Did anyone get any pictures of the white coupe with blue and green wheels? so far i seem to be the only person no one got any footage of lol. the only video i have is on my friends cell phone lol.
Kayla didn't take many pics cause the lighting for photos wasn't the best. It was also the second time she ever shot cars at night and she doesn't have an insanely expensive and super nice setup. Basically just has an entry level dslr and a pretty nice lens.
Alright thats no big deal .im sure there will be other opportunitys for me to get some sick photos. but the ones there arnt bad at all!
i have to say this...

thank you for being an awesome "drifter wife" and taking photos at these events. When my wife goes to events she is always trying to video tape everyone, even the guys not doing good just so they can have something of themselves you know! i think its cool. Pat you got a good chic dude!
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