car trouble WARNING lots of words

i drove from miami to broward noticed the problem almost getting to her house then on the way back when the cop pulled me over i turned off the car and wouldnt turn back on the car was running with no alt so it drained the batt due to this problem i have to charge the batt
push start and the alt will charge it!! if it works
also it would be a good idea to top off your headlight fluid, wouldnt want those things going out
i hear advanced is having one hell of a sale
i fixed it already the alt was charging really low and put the spare one i had on and now its working just fine..i took off the headlight fluid for weight reduction
fuck dan why must your make me look stupid i refilled it and told you not to tell anyone................ dick.
try turning the ignition switch to off 3x and slide the dome light switch to the middle, it should activate the secondary throttle
damn thank god i check this out before i went outside its manual window with one power mirror and the other manual mirror
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