Can't move forward


So at this moment I'm stranded in a parking lot waiting for a tow truck. My car (s13/sr20) idles good and I can even go in reverse well. I made it out of my work parking lot and about a block away she starts bucking. Stall. Clutch in. Start car. First gear. Stall. I can probably drive across Miami in reverse but for a strange reason the car won't let me move forward. I managed to creep into a parking lot but that took 10 minutes and it was 20 feet away. I could have pushed it. The speedo has failed and it's down at zero always if that is a symptom. It usually stays around 5mph regardless of my actual speed. Nothing seems mechanically wrong considering I reverse and idle. Any ideas? I'm waiting for a tow now so I may need something to read. Thanks in advance!
well, i got it towed home. after we got it off the bed, i was able to start her and reverse into a parking spot. i think it's electrical. is there some kind of sensor which reads forward motion but not back and if it malfunctions could cause the engine to cut off?
no but possibly an engine harness that gets pinched or shorted when the engine tourques to the right when going forward.
wow man sounds messed up...
i guess i can probably come thru for u and help u out on the barter tip...
ill pm u bak
If its a manual I higly doubt that its a wiring. Cause I don't have any harness connected to my tranny and when I wanna go forward it goes forward. Sounds like u may have problems internaly in ur tranny or something came loose in ur cltutch area. Now if ur auto then its ur torque converter. Try going forward in 2nd or see if itl move forwd in 3rd maybe it'll help figure something out
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wow man sounds messed up...
i guess i can probably come thru for u and help u out on the barter tip...
ill pm u bak

thanks man!

If its a manual I higly doubt that its a wiring. Cause I don't have any harness connected to my tranny and when I wanna go forward it goes forward. Sounds like u may have problems internaly in ur tranny or something came loose in ur cltutch area. Now if ur auto then its ur torque converter. Try going forward in 2nd or see if itl move forwd in 3rd maybe it'll help figure something out

well i've ruled out engine internals, the car runs. idles steady.
the reverse gear works.
doesn't seem to be the tranny. i've been able to move for a few seconds in first, sometimes even shift into second. but within moments, it will start choking the engine out. and if i don't push the clutch in, i'll stall.
if i floor it and dump the clutch it will buck for a second and i'll stall. no good.
you just didn't plug the lower harness into the transmission or you've got no plugs at all?

if the computer is picking up a 0mph reading but the car is moving, will the computer cut the fuel? kind of like hitting a rev limiter when your speedo doesn't work...

anyway, i'm still thinking its electrical because the engine runs perfect. i can rev it when i'm in neutral.
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try everything man, this is a good experience for everyone to see and find out whats the problem .. . good luck man, think outside the box. i know you will find the problem soon. and let us know wat needs to be done .
^thanks for the encouraging words. i'll keep posting as i test things to figure it out.

i figure to check the tranny fluid i'm pretty much just going to drain it, check for metal shavings or chunks and if its good refill?

and i'm gonna start at the battery and work my way down everything. this will take all weekend. anyone good with electric want a beer? wait that's a terrible idea...
How much gas do you have in the tank? It kinda sounds like a possible fuel pickup issue.
yeah i dont have any plugs going into my tranny. not even t he speed sensor n it ran fine. check ur fuses.
I checked the fuses, and the one that says something like engine control and fuel pump don't show voltage and there's resistance. And then I started the car and no change. All the other fuses had no resistance and got battery voltage. I've got a wiring diagram somewhere around here but shouldn't those be in line with the battery? And shouldn't there be some current through those?
Dude, did you check tranny fluid level? If the car idles fine and moves (though in reverse), and If you can put the car in gear with the clutch pedal pressed and the car still idles fine, then electrically its fine.

It Its much more probable for actual mechanical problem within the tranny. I'd do as you said earlier, drain the fluid, check for shavings then refill with proper amount. If there are shavings then obviously you have a problem. Even as improbable as it may seem, low fluid level can cause some gears to lock up like that.
Dude, did you check tranny fluid level? If the car idles fine and moves (though in reverse), and If you can put the car in gear with the clutch pedal pressed and the car still idles fine, then electrically its fine.

It Its much more probable for actual mechanical problem within the tranny. I'd do as you said earlier, drain the fluid, check for shavings then refill with proper amount. If there are shavings then obviously you have a problem. Even as improbable as it may seem, low fluid level can cause some gears to lock up like that.

tru...check the fluid...
Diet get a chance to check it today. My daily is having it's problems as so is my neighbors caddy. Out of pure optimism, could a differential problem cause this. Up to completely failing my car would shudder a little moving from a stop but it would always smooth out. This would be good cuz I'm replacing it anyway. What are the signs of a blown vlsd?
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