Broke into 14

I know I hate people how steal and if there going to steal something steal it right just don't rip it out and **** up my car. They stole they safc but ripped the wires out of the unit so it doesn't even work. The worst part is having to go out of my way and get new IDs and debit card they used the card and bought $159 worth of gas and a $1 at autozone before the bank stopped the transactions. And I did get a police report and was told that it has been happening alot. They window did not brake just came off the track thank god. Does anyone know where I can get a new mirror housing for cheap? I have a s14.
thats weak!! yea, i would def set it up again, and let someone try something, and fuck their day UP!
that happened to me in my house, some fucking asshole jimmied my car, threw all my shit around the car, and store my radar detector, and the GPS cable,

mind you they are incompatible, fucking idiot.
Sorry to hear that. That's worse then having a shitty session only to come out and find a parking ticket on you windshield. Sucks man.
dude i remember i went surfing sobe when it was overhead + cold as fuck front came in and when we came out the ride was gone all my cloths and money was gone it wasnt my car but we were stranded at the cold ass beach with a board and a wet suit. fucking bummer... at least you got good waves... even tho it sucks it seems to make everything better. Its funny because i busted my first air that day so i was all stoked till we could find the car. lol
That sucks I cought a couple over head waves and ripped but I couldn't leave since my car kept bogging amd stoling. Plus I don't have A/C so I waited two hourss in the rain for the cops to show up and I didn't have my cell on me so I had to keep flaging down cars for help no one stopped fuking asshules. So I had to walk to atlantic ave and use a pohne at a pizza place.
go to the gas station and ask for the footage youll get the person face if not atleast a plate most stations tape pumps now.
Yeah I should but im not sure they will give out that information. I would love to meet this person and beat the living shit out of him and steal his wallet and run up charges on all his cards just so he nows how it feels to go thru this BS.
You should be able to do it. I was able to in the past when something like that happened to me. The company I used to work for down in Naples had an employee filling up friends cars with the company gas card and the boss basically went over to see the gas stations footage and then fired the guy.

Man I haven't surfed since I left Florida. I hope this summer up here in CT will be a good one. The only downside is we have Great White sightings.
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