BLADDER's PhotoShop Contest *Winner Announced*


is no more
And thee winner of the BLADDER's PhotoShop Contest is.....


Thank you to those who took the time to compete in my contest. I hope to see more entries the next time I have another one. Until then, keep it real. :thumbup:

Original photo:

[size=+1]Rules:[/size] You must replace my tripod with a bazooka. The award Sean Forrester is holding up (guy in the middle) gets replaced with an AK-47 or better. Raffi must have a rifle strapped to his back. Aside from that, you can get creative with everything else. Be sure to include photo credit to Orisue and your name as well.

[size=+1]Theme:[/size] Photo of a group holding Sean McQueen (only guy to the far left without the glasses) OR William Barnette hostage. You can pick the hostage.

[size=+1]Ends:[/size] 1 week from today.

[size=+1]Prize:[/size] Winner gets their image put up on top of the site and on my sig. Plus whatever else I can think of. :thumbup:
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lmao nice. . too bad i dont have any photoshop on this pc, i'll be back next Tuesday hopefully I have enough time when I get home before its closed
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