Roly D Sauce

Bent Rims and Tickets v.1
Staff member
While blogs continue to simmer with complaints from people who waited months to buy an iPhone and now are experiencing problems activating it, AT&T Inc. said Sunday that the situation has improved.

more photos » "We are working on any issues on an individual basis with customers who were impacted," said Michael Coe, a spokesman for AT&T, the Apple Inc. device's exclusive carrier. Nearly all customers have been able to activate their phones within five to eight minutes, he said.

Without activation, not even the phone's alarm clock works, leading some unhappy customers to joke that their inactive iPhones are little more than expensive paperweights.

AT&T attributed the problems to overloaded servers as large number of customers tried to activate their phones over the weekend. After being hit with the initial onslaught, AT&T made technical adjustments to its activation system so that new users wouldn't face the same delays, Coe said.

Customers with corporate accounts might also experience delays because AT&T needs authorization from the telecommunications manager at their company to switch them to an individual account, he said.

more on the link!
Yea, my old man picked up an IPhone and it's not all it hyped up to be. He had the activation issue but his was solved fairly quickly.

Internet is as predicted... maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad slow.
My dad got one too. Activation problem. Battery sucks like the iPOD. Internet blows.

He said he wouldn;t have paid for it. He got his via work.
lol they didnt even put it on the 4G network....... they put it on the old network......... the new razrs have fast internet access than them.

All I can say is HAAHAAHAHAHAH for anyone who sent all that time trying to get one because they had to be "the shit" and own one. I will stick to my blackjack........ with way fast net access.
I dunno about all this wait you guys talked about. My father was saying how they were going to start selling them at 6pm. He left the house at 6:05 and got back right before 7pm with his.

Anywho.... I got a chance to mess around with it. It's really amazing the kind of stuff you can do with that screen. But I mean, I almost passed out trying to load a website. If you actually leech off a WiFi, your battery goes down the drain in minutes.
that song was pathetic
i love windows guys pissing macs lol
all my anti virus software slows me down.... oh wait i dont have any hahaa.

Macs rock, shit is easy and it dont fuck up, and if i realy realy wanna play a pc game i can, thanks to good ole crap intel.

Ill sell my first born for a iphone.
I got to use my friends saturday. it is the shit, the hole knit and kabodle, the best thing since sliced bread etc....
Just use it and ull see. the shit u can do on it is amazing. and if ur in ur home or any wifi hot spot (i.e. on campus for me) your net is suplimented with that and your phone runs off the normal network now the net wasnt very fast out an about but i mean, is any cingular net device have fast net..... nope.
so i mean i would wait and see what revision they releast within a month or two, should run a bit faster.
kahlistrophic said:
Id rather buy some coilovers

+100 its just a phone... made to make calls and text fuck all the other gay shit thats what a computer is for ohh and 1 more thing is good a camera cell only cause u can fuck your GF and record it while ur behind her :D
Gabedm said:
that song was pathetic
i love windows guys pissing macs lol
all my anti virus software slows me down.... oh wait i dont have any hahaa.

Macs rock, shit is easy and it dont fuck up, and if i realy realy wanna play a pc game i can, thanks to good ole crap intel.

Ill sell my first born for a iphone.
I got to use my friends saturday. it is the shit, the hole knit and kabodle, the best thing since sliced bread etc....
Just use it and ull see. the shit u can do on it is amazing. and if ur in ur home or any wifi hot spot (i.e. on campus for me) your net is suplimented with that and your phone runs off the normal network now the net wasnt very fast out an about but i mean, is any cingular net device have fast net..... nope.
so i mean i would wait and see what revision they releast within a month or two, should run a bit faster.

Internet wont run any faster until Cingular steps up and does something with EDGE. It's not the phone's fault... it's Cingular's fault... and what a fault.

I'll stick to Verizon and their EVDO broadband nationwide coverage.
rwdrift said:
Internet wont run any faster until Cingular steps up and does something with EDGE. It's not the phone's fault... it's Cingular's fault... and what a fault.

I'll stick to Verizon and their EVDO broadband nationwide coverage.

funny thing is sprint has a larger and stronger network than verizon. they just dont brag about it. they are even working on the next setup from there (little insider teaser) for their hook ups with comcast, brighthouse, dish, and other cable providers so that their users will eventually be able to stream their DVRed programs over their phone. In the next two years that will be the next leap in the phone world(along with faster stronger networks).
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