Anyone worried?

Looks like its targeting the KEYS. Still gonna be a nasty storm.:ugh:

Most of the stuff that I can see, it looks to be the keys and then hook back around over Ft. Myers to sarasota.

Ill know more indepth prob in 48hrs.

Manditory evac for FL Keys just issued.
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well it looks like it may miss us little looks like its going to be pretty bad for the keys but there is still a couple days for it to play around and jump everywhere lol

yea a lot of ppl are like i dont want it hit fl, but if it doesnt, all the oil drills are gonna get fucked again and so is new orleans and then gas and other stuff is gonna get more expensive
they say it shoulnt hit new orleans that it might hit the keys the go north and then take a hard riggh and go across florida
i just hope that it stays out of the Gulf. I mean let it hit FL, but hopefully not like Andrew did. I was a baby when Andrew hit and I came close to dying after the storm from all the disease that was going around
Start buying gas now while its cheap

but seriously, some people are just clueless on hurricanes. couple weeks ago I was serving on some people from who were here for a cruise. I just happened to mention to them if they were ready for the hurricane (Gustav?). They literally freaked since they had no idea and were scheduled to leave the next day to the Caribbean.
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because i like mother natures fury, its always cool to see how powerful shit could be, and last time without electricity for 2 weeks and people coming together like the ancient days to cook and drink was awesome....going on an adventure was awesome....

I like shit like this, damage or not, its fun for me!
I agree it is fun, so does anyone care thhat cuba is getting demolished by all these stroms lmao, i feel sorry for them!
lol, its just gonna be like a rain day here, fuk, shutters, fuck, getn gas, fuk waiting in homedepot lines for 3 hours!!!

ima go out side and fly a kite!!!!! bitches get worried for nothing lol!
The only good thing about a hurricane is that afterward you can chill in the back of you friends dads truck have him drive and u chill drinkin his dads beer in the bed while he drives u and all your friends aroundand the cops are too busy to do anything about it .
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