any intrest in a down south meet

yeah its like a 10-15 min drive from dolphin mall

its basically north of the kendall meet and south of dolphin.
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ahhh! yeah I had forgotten bout those speed bumps, yeah there are speed bumps in the garages, I think they're like 3 inches high. That 152nd Bird road sounds good. Down for that.

Lets get a list of all locations and vote on it.
Alright guys hand in your votes:

Homestead (NO KID SHIT!)
Sedanos on 147 and Miller dr.
Home Depot lot on Kendall and SW 127th (Subaru Meet)
152Ave and Bird Road
Dolphin Mall

Homstead- Just because I know where that is lol :D
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if we're just gonna have a meet then sedanos and the new plaza would be straight no heat, had one already at sedanos and slide it before we rode with no prob.
I say 152nd and Bird, cause its closer. But really I just care that there is NO Heat, NO splackers, and just chill. As long as its closer than Ft. Lauderdale lol :bigthumbu

Lets just pick one and if it's bad, we pick another spot.
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