any intrest in a down south meet

ya mna, i remember back in the day that shit was nuts. bunch of hondas assdragging, fanboys looking to jack cars, cops across the street waiting to get you for stupid shit someone else pulled.

then there was the meets on 87th and bird...ULTRA ghey...donks, donks, and ugly ass bitches looking for a new baby dady. Miami meets = fail

ive been there b4. its behind the dennys. its a team one meet. too may FWDers its pretty whack so dont waste ur time goin there. most of the cars there are just all show and BARELY any go
mondays or wednesdays, how bout FIU Parking Garages??? Even if its a one time thing. Idk Let's all keep our eyes open... we gotta make this happen:bigthumbu
Blue, Gold, or Red. We could probably do it around 7ish since its past rush school schedule and school is pretty empty. I've known of a couple of meets there. (350's, M3) Im gonna ask tommorrow to see whats up. I'll let you guys know.
well if you guys are interested there is a Subaru meet on monday nights from 9 to when ever at the home depot lot on Kendall and SW 127th.. we have been there for a couple of years now.. never have any problmes with the po po.. great bunch of guys as well..:bigthumbu
Yea my front lip is kinda low for that too now that I think about it.... Ok so thats 2 strikes against that spot.
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