
That's cool if people will build you stuff for free.

I however am interested in paying my bills and eating every month.

If someone wants to buy my modded spindles, they are $305.

oh no, its wasnt like some kind of sponsership. I asked my friend who welds, "Hey, make this shorter, and droppy downy."
he said, "uhhhhh, ok."
then I bought him volcano tacos. $305 sounds fairly reasonable.
That's some pretty sweet angle.. Any pics of your actual parts on and off the car? I'm interested since no one makes shit for Z32's
These are all prototype pictures of the parts I used for testing and proof of concept, actual production parts are different and also prettier! :)

Crappy pics sorry.

Prototype for V1 arms, now selling V2's and working on V3 already

Original prototype of my ARBA spacer (Angle, Rollcenter, Bumpsteer, Ackerman)

Tubular tie-rod

Again these were prototypes and just for proof of concept, I will post pictures of production parts soon.
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I got $40 laying around could you make me the angle kit install it and also make a turbo kit for my racecar, all my daily cars too and remodel my house, if you cant make it for $40 I have an extra $2 in quarters for a tip.
I have knucks from harri. I still dont use the full spread of angle most of the time.... when I do, I look like this :eek:
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