Alex aka FlyingAngle

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what happen to your gangsta rim game?????
Please keep all off topic post out of this thread. Thanks
I didn't bitch about paying so much for shipping, I tried to warn you, and your response was to try and get more money out of me.
You just admitted to lying 10 minutes ago, making a deal with me and then going back on it, and I'm scamming you?
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okay, do you agree the deal was $300 then when I told you how much I paid for shipping you asked me for an extra $50?

And if you've sold so much stuff you knew exactly how much shipping was going to cost you and knew you wouldn't need an extra $50, so why did you ask me for it?
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okay, do you agree the deal was $300 then when I told you how much I paid for shipping you asked me for an extra $50?

And if you've sold so much stuff you knew exactly how much shipping was going to cost you and knew you wouldn't need an extra $50, so why did you ask me for it?

I'm not gonna fight you on this anymore. You already admitted you lied. If you can prove anything otherwise, then I was mistaken and will admit it. My messages don't go all the way to the beginning, I've posted what I've got. I've sold stuff, but did I tell you what it was? No, so ASSUMING I would know the shipping cost...well.. you know how the saying goes. But I've never shipped wheels, therefore I wouldn't know how much it costs. Oh, and if I asked you for more money, it was probably to make up the difference in the value of our wheels, since I knew what you paid for yours $1650 or less VS my $2100 shipped. But like I keep saying, we made the deal, you went back on it. The End. Bedtime for me, peace.
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I'm done, I don't like you and I scammed you

btw it was $1950 shipped without tax, whats the difference between $1650 and $1950, ohh it's $300, that would have been a fair trade huh?
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ha, $250 of that was tax, and you never ran them fool
$250 in which any sensible person would want to get back, which is why we agreed on $350 on top. But damn me for living in Cali. Such a douche! Now I'm going to bed lol.

I was selling them on Zilvia for what I bought them for, as the link below shows. Why would I make a trade with someone without making sure I got a fair one?
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that was a typo you know the tax was $150

Mr. high and mighty didn't correct my typo when it looked better for him. For someone so hell bent on getting the truth you let that slide pretty quick.
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