9/13 Warehouse Drift event!!!!

lol i get like 5 pms a day askn me where the warehouse is!!! i dont reply because its a secret! if u dont know, then ur not a cool kid!!lmao
drivers/media only!!! hahahaha!!!

if ur blind and cant read the top post-no Spectators!!!!:bigthumbu
lol i want a noob swatter!

people are actn like its a d1 event and there protesting out side because were at capacity!!lmao!

woot! bladder cleand the noob posts up!

bladders the man!
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PMs went out, for directions! any questions pm me please!

link here- copy and paste url rick-rolld.com/
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Hey where is there place at?! can i come? pls!!!! You can teach me how to drift right? oh and can i bring like 6-20 friends. they loved the movie FF
Well, since im gettin asked everyday where the fuckn warehouse is by every noob on the forum--NO Spectators!!!got a problem with that too bad!

this is my warehouse, my rules, i dont want u there, ill personally kick ya the fuk out! dam noobs ruinin the fun for us!

I am coming with Ya Tu Sabes, Joker 305, and all the other noobs on the forum Paul I hope you don't get mad.:eek:
sucks to hear about no spectators, i was hoping to bring class of 2009 and 2010 from my school, but doesnt look like it anymore :(

oh and i dont think im gonna be going to this one. my clutch is history, and im afraid to have to even drive the car to school every day which is only like a mile away from me
my friends trading his car in for a coupe today and he said hed let me slide it there but idk if thats gonna happen lol

if not then how am i gonna bring the camera if i cant drive lol
k so theres no way im driving this with the clutch i have now, and theres no way im drifting my car if my new clutch isnt even broken in, so unless i buy a used clutch that doesnt need to be broken in, and get it installed before saturday night, then im not gonna make this one
Sounds like this event is going to be nice. Hope there is some footage caught and uploaded.
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