22 killed in virginia tech shooting this morning

mikespeed95 said:
and you will bitch when your tuition goes up.

Its easy to bitch when tuition goes up especially when you have no real idea where your money is going and you can walk up and down your campus and see loads of money wasted everywhere. For instance, FAU implemented these fancy ass classrooms costing $80k EACH. I have classes in one of these rooms and all it is to me, as a student, is a glorified projector. I know the professor feels the same way. So yeah...I'd bitch.
if you look it up the final death count was 32!!!!!! 33 including the killer and i think it was 15 injured i cant believe that shit man and it was some asian kid(nothing against asians)...shit like this is hard to believe i still kinda wished the police would have rushed the place maybe they would have saved some more people they finally got in there when the shooting stopped..............scary shit man, i didnt realize there are still people this sick minded in this country i mean whats goin through a persons head when there doing this it makes no sence

slidewayz240sx said:
I dont quite get it. The first shooting was at 7:15 am. The girlfreind of the shooter and the RA was killed. The second shooting wasnt until 9:15 am. Meaning he dissapeared for 2 hours. The school still continued to go on with normal classes. Wtf...why? You dont know where this shooter is, cancel classes and tell the students to hide. I can see at least 32 lawsuits coming from this toward the school.

police said they thought the 1st incident was and isolated incident witch is kinda bullshet considering the students said there were numerious bombthreats throout the week so the should have taken precautions when they herd there was a shooting in the dormatories....seriously if they didnt want to evacuate the school atleast have cops in groups of 3 or 4 in everybulding and on every floor :(
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PlatanoDrifter said:
if you look it up the final death coint was 32!!!!!! 33 including the killer and i think it was 15 injured i cant believe that shit man and it was some asian kid...shit likt this is hard to believe i still kinda wished the police would have rushed the place maybe they would have saved some more people they finally got in there when the shooting stopped..............scary shit man i didnt realize there are still people this sick minded in this country i mean whats goin through a persons head when there doing this it makes no sence

police said they thought the 1st incident was and isolated incident witch is kinda bullshet considering the students said there were numerious bombthreats throout the week so the should have taken precautions when they herd there was a shooting in the dormatories....seriously if they didnt want to evacuate the school atleast have cops in groups of 3 or 4 in everybulding and on every floor :(

The school said they had the "suspected individual" on watch. Which, wasn't the individual who actually did it. This is not good. Something is going to change with all colleges pretty soon. Why can't people just go kill themselves instead of killing everyone else along with them?
Justin Duncklee said:
Why can't people just go kill themselves instead of killing everyone else along with them?

Why don't people grow some balls and live their lives as they come no matter how shitty it is and try to figure things out in a non violent way.

oh, and i heard the reason for the shooting was because his girlfriend cheated on him. that kiinda sucks lol
^If that's true, that girl will probably need serious therapy after this. She's bound to feel guilty.
FDrifting said:
see the messed up thing is they got their information wrong somehow. they say it was one guy (which i believe) but with only 2 handguns, and he fired over 200 rounds. what i dont get is if he did use 2 handguns he would have to reload every 30 seconds almost.. i mean seriously dont you think if that was the case someone could've rushed him and stopped him. its fucked up. i hate thinking that they just all sat there watching him kill everyone. i know it must've been scary but if i saw a guy killing all my friends and classmates i would fucking charge his ass.

this country is filled with cowards.

Uhmm Cowards lol???? Let me ask you dude, have you ever seen someone get shot, stab, killed in front of you. You are telling me if some dude walks in front of you and unloads a whole clip on all your friends, the sound of the bullets ripping through skin, muscle and bones, the moaning of people in pain, and the blood everywhere. You are still going to have the cool mind and think about rushing the guy with the gun? are you a marine ?have you expirience first hadn combact? Guess what? all those people in those classrooms werent marines nor soldiers, i am pretty sure a good %age of them never heard a gun shot before, they never saw that amount of blood before. Think about it dude you are sitting in your class all cool daydreaming about drifting and boom the guy next to you drops, then the girl next to you drops, your face full of blood and its not your blood the close range shots leave you half deft for a couple of seconds, but no you are Captain america you get up and bum rush the guy cause you have seen chuck norris do it in delta force. Lets be realistic here; The first caveman survived not because of their bravery but because their ability to adapt, if the ygot attack by a 700 pound saber tooth they didnt fight it they scaped using their brain not their balls. Most of the ones who survived acted like they were death. I am pretty sure one of them did try to take the guy down, We might never know...... We are all cowards.....lol :D
Uhmm Cowards lol???? Let me ask you dude, have you ever seen someone get shot, stab, killed in front of you. You are telling me if some dude walks in front of you and unloads a whole clip on all your friends, the sound of the bullets ripping through skin, muscle and bones, the moaning of people in pain, and the blood everywhere. You are still going to have the cool mind and think about rushing the guy with the gun? are you a marine ?have you expirience first hadn combact? Guess what? all those people in those classrooms werent marines nor soldiers, i am pretty sure a good %age of them never heard a gun shot before, they never saw that amount of blood before. Think about it dude you are sitting in your class all cool daydreaming about drifting and boom the guy next to you drops, then the girl next to you drops, your face full of blood and its not your blood the close range shots leave you half deft for a couple of seconds, but no you are Captain america you get up and bum rush the guy cause you have seen chuck norris do it in delta force. Lets be realistic here; The first caveman survived not because of their bravery but because their ability to adapt, if the ygot attack by a 700 pound saber tooth they didnt fight it they scaped using their brain not their balls. Most of the ones who survived acted like they were death. I am pretty sure one of them did try to take the guy down, We might never know...... We are all cowards.....lol :D
Amen to that.
Justin Duncklee said:
Amen to that.

X2 ill double that

people act different ways in different situations even if you are a marine watch some videos on you tube where their getting shot up some of them are straight terrified....these are trained elites of the world much less some 21 year old suburbian raised accounting major...
those who played dead are most likely the ones who survived...RIP
i said b4 its very easy for anyone to say they would have done something but u never know until your put in that position 6ft tall chink starts poppin off rounds like max payne ima hit da deck
Uhmm Cowards lol???? Let me ask you dude, have you ever seen someone get shot, stab, killed in front of you. You are telling me if some dude walks in front of you and unloads a whole clip on all your friends, the sound of the bullets ripping through skin, muscle and bones, the moaning of people in pain, and the blood everywhere. You are still going to have the cool mind and think about rushing the guy with the gun? are you a marine ?have you expirience first hadn combact? Guess what? all those people in those classrooms werent marines nor soldiers, i am pretty sure a good %age of them never heard a gun shot before, they never saw that amount of blood before. Think about it dude you are sitting in your class all cool daydreaming about drifting and boom the guy next to you drops, then the girl next to you drops, your face full of blood and its not your blood the close range shots leave you half deft for a couple of seconds, but no you are Captain america you get up and bum rush the guy cause you have seen chuck norris do it in delta force. Lets be realistic here; The first caveman survived not because of their bravery but because their ability to adapt, if the ygot attack by a 700 pound saber tooth they didnt fight it they scaped using their brain not their balls. Most of the ones who survived acted like they were death. I am pretty sure one of them did try to take the guy down, We might never know...... We are all cowards.....lol :D

i can see where your coming from. i myself am not a marine nor a soldeir i dont consider myself brave but when it comes to family and friends i'm very protective. i've been raised around guns my whole life, i was taught close combat and disarming knives/guns, but that was long ago in my wee teenage years. i dont know how i'd act if that happened to me, i've seen someone shot dead before i was on a bus a safe distance from the shooting i suppose, i didnt know the culprit or the victim so i didnt think twice about it.

all i'm saying is if, i was dead asleep in my room, and i hear gunshots coming from my little brothers room or my parents room. i wouldn't sit in a corner and cry, i'd pray to god and grab one of my guns and run as fast as i can across the house, regardless if i got shot or not. i'm extremely close to my family. and nothing would stop me from protecting them, i'm sure a lot of you are like that.
FDrifting said:
all i'm saying is if, i was dead asleep in my room, and i hear gunshots coming from my little brothers room or my parents room. i wouldn't sit in a corner and cry, i'd pray to god and grab one of my guns and run as fast as i can across the house, regardless if i got shot or not. i'm extremely close to my family. and nothing would stop me from protecting them, i'm sure a lot of you are like that.
I know how true that is. There is a rock quary about a quarter mile from my house and the sometimes dynomite blast in the middle of the night (don't ask me why?) but whenever that I happens, I think someone is in the house and just let off a few rounds, I am up with my knife heading straight to my parents room to make sure everything is ok.
Justin Duncklee said:
I know how true that is. There is a rock quary about a quarter mile from my house and the sometimes dynomite blast in the middle of the night (don't ask me why?) but whenever that I happens, I think someone is in the house and just let off a few rounds, I am up with my knife heading straight to my parents room to make sure everything is ok.

If you just heard a boom, which could have been a gun shot if you are worried about it. and you are bringing a knife to save the day?................

ur safe in ocala. its not north miami.
240SicknessX said:
If you just heard a boom, which could have been a gun shot if you are worried about it. and you are bringing a knife to save the day?................

ur safe in ocala. its not north miami.

ha ha ha, hey, I didn't say that I would win. I just said that I was going to try.

I Thought I was safe, until someone tried killing me last night. And my neighbors house got broken into, but mostly someone trying to kill me. It kindof messes you up.
Justin Duncklee said:
ha ha ha, hey, I didn't say that I would win. I just said that I was going to try.

I Thought I was safe, until someone tried killing me last night. And my neighbors house got broken into, but mostly someone trying to kill me. It kindof messes you up.
wtf sumone tried killing u?
jdmnismo300 said:
its easy to say something like that but you never know how youll react in a situation like dat
..bro if sum motherfukers pointin a gun toward u or yur best friend and u kno yur already gonna b killed! at least rush that mothfuker! the whole thing is fuked up but mayb if a couple rushed him less would of been killed by this looney.....never let girls do this to u
Even by saying "oh if you know you are going to die", when the time comes and it happens, I'm willing to bet that more than 3/4 of the people here would shit their pants and run for their lives.

When someone first starts drifting..... you can watch the drift bible a million times and tell yourself you will stay on the gas. Does it happen? No. You flinch.

But whatever. I hope no one here has to ever go through something like that to find out.
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