Zoom Zoom Live?

Sounds good, seeing how I only plan to drive the car once anyways, I guess I'm good. If they kick me out of the track for ANY event, well that sucks. I guess I wont be autocrossing in a straight line slalom ever again. Shame...... Homestead here I come!

OMG I'm talking to Jorge right now over the phone. He is there at Hialeah Park as we speak. He says there is about 30 cars there right now, 15 Miatas and some of them are the MazdaSpeed turbocharged Miatas.

The course is very technical with ridicuously short on the straightaways. You will ride on the car more than once and they will have time attacks.

Jorge - "Will oversteering be allowed?"
Instructor - "No... because there are too many people and not enough tires."

All the tires are coming with AVS ES100s. The Pontiac Solstice is already there for a demonstration and comparison. There is a BMW Z4 there as well.

There are 5spds and automatics and it's up to you what you want to drive.

This one is for Ralph and Chelsea: There is a brand new NA and an NB with hardtops.
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i just reg'd for this sat in hialeigha spdy at 11am, but i heard that were running new MX5's there
Yes like I said, there's at least 15 of them there. Both 5spd and auto. I stopped by there personally today and had a chat with the main organizer of the event. I got to see some of the cars run at the track and I saw some of the track layouts they have. They are using most of the fields in the park, which is pretty cool. They have tons of different activities.

By the way Guillermo, oversteering will not get you kicked out of the track. Stop guessing things just to prove me wrong. They are highly against you intentionally oversteering and they will keep reinforcing the idea that you are going for fastest time (in the autocross track). They also were saying that they already went through the estimated amount of tires for all 10 events in only 3, and that the Hialeah Park surface isnt helping either, so they again ask you to spare their tires and dont break traction. Anyone that has been there knows what I'm talking about. They are really begging for you to keep the traction, but I have had no threats about being kicked out for sliding. I had an awsome chat and we were discussing drifting and driving techniques.

I personally dont even want to drift. After going around Hialeah Park in the golf cart and checking out all that there is in the event, I will be looking foward learning and improving the most amount of driving techniques I possibly can.

Here is the two main focused tracks (I believe there is a third one but when we drove around they were setting up the 2nd one):
A-) The autocross track: Jump in an MX5, Mazda3, or Mazda5 (not 6) and go for the fastest time. It's a free for all here.... go for the lowest lap time and win prizes. Anyone that can match the time of one of their drivers (time to be announced) in the thousands will already win a BOSE Sound System. The driver with the fastest time will most likely get a prize. Jorge said he saw a huge box the size of an MX-5 gift wrapped, so we believe the winner might take home a brand new NC.

B-) This is where I hope to spend most of my time. They will have instructors in RX-8s teaching you the techniques of driving. They will place a bowl inside the car with golf balls in them. The objective is to get around the track smoothly and without any radical steering/throttle inputs (meaning you cannot drop the golf balls, very Initial D-ish). The instructors will ride with you to help you out to achieve the best time.

So in short, this event will rock hardcore. I cannot wait to get there.
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I did the orlando event and it was alot of fun except for all the waiting in line, the new miata is a very neutral and good handling car and anyone who says it understeers like a mofo is and idiot who doesnt know how to drive

Ohh and a tip for the matched gym( its really autocross they call it gymkahna for no reason at all) you have to match the target time not exceed it or go slower than if you go too fast they will cut your driving card up so the trick is get a stop watch and click it as you roll through the start and then drive as fast through the corse as you can then slowww way the **** down before you cross the finish and then look at the stop watch and when the time is about to go gun it through the gate thats how i got with less then 2 tenths off the match time
Piner said:
you have to match the target time not exceed it or go slower than if you go too fast they will cut your driving card up so the trick is get a stop watch and click it as you roll through the start and then drive as fast through the corse as you can then slowww way the **** down before you cross the finish and then look at the stop watch and when the time is about to go gun it through the gate thats how i got with less then 2 tenths off the match time

So that's what he meant. I couldnt quite get it and just figured it we had to match his fastest time. I get it now.
you know they dont let you drive your car right?? you just drive the cars they have set up

And also for all you fools who say that the RX-8 is hard to drift your out f your goddamn minds, the one i drove so eisally sideways Fullthrottle clutch kick=slide the instructor yelled at me but didnt cut my card up, I want an RX-8 now slides so nice :)
Interesting you say that, I want to check that out because in the Best Motoring video of the RX-8, the drivers were having a bit of a hard time with understeer.
damn that was fun, i talked with jeepster as erik and jorge were gettin kicked out of the mazda3 course for doin a 180. right before i left i set a 27.89 time on the mx5 performance challenge, i have some video ill try to put up later once its edited
Not really, the autocross is really fun. I enjoyed it. I only started sliding when I messed up and couldnt get a decent time anymore. The Rx-8 handles amazingly well.
rwdrift said:
Not really, the autocross is really fun. I enjoyed it. I only started sliding when I messed up and couldnt get a decent time anymore. The Rx-8 handles amazingly well.
all i gotta say is that the mazda 5 minivan can slide like a beast! just like the new NC miata.
rwdrift said:
Not really, the autocross is really fun. I enjoyed it. I only started sliding when I messed up and couldnt get a decent time anymore. The Rx-8 handles amazingly well.

see what i mean! you know after driving my S12 I feel i can slide just about anything
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