yall broward boys best watch out now

i got pulled over with a cop(davie) that drove a charger...i asked him if he liked it...he didnt like it he said it stalled out on him to many times on him...o wells
shit even the hick town I work in, brooksville, has had a few chargers for over a year now maybe two. Clearwater has 2 older Dakotas where the bed cover pops up and lights come up and turn on.
Old nest to me. I got pull over by one of those two weeks ago dark gray with black police decals. I was in my swift doing a test run, but he gave me a brake and told me to slow down...
I got pulled over by a daytona charger.. the guy said he loved it... he was cool and let me go with a warning because I drive a domestic [:

Many cops have told me this before.. whenever they see or better yet pull over some "beat up rice cars with bumpers falling off and 3 different kinds of paint, and loud annoying exhausts", they usually mean they dont care about their car and speed around and hit shit and etc. etc. because look at the outcome (their car) gives it away that they do stupid shit.. they said whenever they see a nice, well maintained car (he was inferring about my car), and you are polite, chances are youll get away will something small to nothing at all.. my friend with a camaro got pulled over and was told the same thing.. either thats true, or they just simply like domestics better lol idk
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