Worst Parents In The World

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damn..how can a mother be so fucking evil to her own son. Thats a deep trauma right there...see if he ever trusts his parents -or anyone else in the world- ever again.
I would shit in a box and wrap it up all prety with a nice card and give it to my parents for next x-mas.:mad:
Damn thats messed up. Noone even said aww Im sorry or anything, just kept laughing and making jokes and letting the kid cry. And the whole time the kid is like "man... my parents are peices of shit, I can't believe this"
damn..how can a mother be so fucking evil to her own son. Thats a deep trauma right there...see if he ever trusts his parents -or anyone else in the world- ever again.

+1 That shit right there is why people loose complete faith in humanity... Thats so messed up.
i would have been like fuck this threw the close at them, kicked over the christmas tree set that shit on fire and then piss it out.
At least if you're going to put the kid through that, have the actual xbox 360 hidden somewhere. The kid has probably been excited for months for xmas day, it finally comes, wow! big box! opens it and hes like NO WAY OMG awesome I'm so happy, all the waiting is worth it! then his parents are like HAHA CLOTHES BITCH, WE CANT AFFORD THAT SHIT HAHAHA and the kid is like...I'm going to kill someone, how are my parents so fucked up? I was so good all year. I can't believe I spent all my money to buy my family presents. I'm so sticking them in a home when they get old. fuck everyone.
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id kick the brother in the nuts while hes laughing and ask if they can afford the doctor bill
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thats some messud up shit.
my parents did that too me when i was lil for a PS2 -.- but then they gave me another box. it was a jc.penny box and inside the PS2
Find out where this kid lives and who he is. We can start a "buy buckwheat an xbox 360 fund" and I'll fund the difference if we don't raise enough. Its fucked up to mess with a child's emotions. Then we'll firebomb the parents' and relatives' cars.
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