Who needs wheels?

that shit was baddass. im guessing cause he was sliding to the right and he was giving it throttle it lifted that left front side of the car the most so he couldnt feel it when it came off. just a guess
wow, i feel bad for who ever was in charge of tech...

Tech? lol.

Pretty sure noone even looked at the cars before they went on track.

And yeah, figured dude knew he was missing a stud, kuz it was like completely gone, and thats pretty hard to miss.
could have been worse

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Did all the other studs sheer off?

no look closely...


only 1 was missing
the rest of the studs got stripped by the for of the lugnuts just flying with the wheel.. :p
i think its really crazy it came off kept full drift threw the corner then dug into the ground

hope abes car is alright
shit happens and those wheels are so heavy to begin with
i dont know, but im pretty sure they have stricter tech than fara, and even then wheels still fall off..

Seems that like no matter how strict tech is accidents still happen.
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